Thanks WA!
So my website Bestnailgunreview.Com is indexed and ranking well! Today I opened my g+ account! It seems a bit confusing to me but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it! I'm learning so much ! I even sent in 8 posts with recient job picks to I'm paying them 140 per month cuz they built my business website and maintain it for me:/ wish I had just built it myself now that I know how better but I only have 6 more months before my contract is up and then I can just take it over!!! At wa . Any way with all those job picks I have a short content article rich with low hanging fruit keywords! So I'm hoping once that is complete in a couple days my website should be ranking well also!!! I hope to start making money in another month but realize it will probly be 2 years before I could completely stop having to remodel houses. But I enjoy doing it so even if I have to work the summers and take the winters off that would be great too! But I really see this affiliate marketing thing going far!! So excited!!!
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It appears you are enjoying the whole online experience Michael. That is great, keep up the training.