How Can you Improve your Concentration and Stay Focused?

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Who hasn't struggled with the after-meal slump and searched for THE miracle solution to keep them going? Who hasn't struggled to stay focused on an important task? And what about all those everyday distractions: text messages, notifications, news alerts...? So many distractions that contribute to our mental workload and cause us to lose focus or motivation over the long term... In the end, whether at work, watching a film or even exercising, concentration is part of our daily lives. But what exactly is concentration? How do you stay focused? We'll take a look at it for you, if you follow us all the way...

What Exactly is Concentration?

Philosophers identified concentration as a crucial process in keeping our thoughts organized (1). Strictly speaking, concentration means “focusing all one's attention on a single object” (2), whether it's an assignment at work, a person's words, a sporting activity... Paying attention implies voluntarily directing our mind towards something, but also closing our awareness to any outside interference that might distract us (3). Not easy at all! Noise, a presence, an image, a call - our brain is constantly disturbed... To stay focused on our task, we unknowingly call on the brain's prefrontal zone, which sorts out what needs our attention and what should be ignored (4). Scientists recently discovered that this decision-making process takes less than a quarter of a second (5).

To Do or not to Go two Things at Once

Let's face it, we can't pay attention to everything around us. So we thank our brains for sorting us out. While some might say it's possible to concentrate on two things at the same time: “yes, yes, I phone while I cook”, technically speaking, it's not possible to concentrate totally on two complex things (and we insist on this notion) at the same time. Biologically, concentration requires the simultaneous mobilization of the two frontal areas of our brain, which communicate with each other (6). This means that if we can watch a TV series and iron at the same time, for example, it's because one of the two tasks doesn't require an absolute commitment of our concentration. So we're not 100% attentive to the two things being done simultaneously (7). That's why it's illegal to use the phone while driving, or why it's impossible to multiply 15 x 18 while reciting the alphabet backwards. And if you're wondering: yes, this applies to both men and women.

Concentration at all Costs

Concentration is important for learning and performing a task, and you'll agree that it's difficult to memorize something without concentrating on it. In the case of learning, it's short-term memory, and more specifically working memory, that comes into play. This memorization process can therefore be affected by the slightest distraction. But to avoid losing track, you can improve your concentration:

Cut out all distractions by switching off the phone or TV, for example, or by keeping your workspace organized, as visual distractions make our brains work harder to evacuate superfluous information.

Give yourself micro-pauses, because our ability to concentrate is simply not unlimited and varies from person to person. In meetings, for example, executives switch off after an average of 52 minutes (8). That's why it's essential to allow yourself moments of disconnection!

Work at the right time of day, because states of alertness and fatigue vary. We're more efficient in the morning, mid-afternoon and evening (9). It's up to you to decide, then, as we're not all equal when it comes to the magnitude of the task.

Can Nutra do Anything for Concentration?

The answer is a resounding YES! While diet clearly plays a part in our cognitive abilities, in recent years Nutra has seen a plethora of so-called “nootropic” formulas flourish, with ingredients such as ginseng, guarana, maca and caffeine. And the promises are mostly of rapid boosting effects, but less likely to be effective over several hours.


(1) Burk JA, Blumenthal SA, Maness EB. Neuropharmacology of attention. Eur J Pharmacol. 2018 Sep 15;835:162-168. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2018.08.008. Epub 2018 Aug 6. PMID: 30092180; PMCID: PMC6140347.

(2) Dictionnaire Larousse. Url :

(3) Gary Hatfield. L’attention chez Descartes : aspect mental et aspect physiologique. Les Études philosophiques 2017/1 (N° 171), pages 7 à 26

(4) Vossel S, Geng JJ, Fink GR. Dorsal and ventral attention systems: distinct neural circuits but collaborative roles. Neuroscientist. 2014 Apr;20(2):150-9. doi: 10.1177/1073858413494269. Epub 2013 Jul 8. PMID: 23835449; PMCID: PMC4107817.

(5) M. Perrone-Bertolotti et coll. A real-time marker of object-based attention in the human brain. A possible component of a "gate-keeping mechanism" performing late attentional selection in the Ventro-Lateral Prefrontal Cortex. Neuroimage du 23 janvier 2020. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116574

(6) Futura science. Le cerveau peut-il gérer trois choses en même temps ? url :

(7) Ellen E. Pastorino Ph.D. « The Truth About Texting and Talking While Driving Demonstrating the dangers of distracted driving to students» .04, 2012

(8) Les Echos. 52 minutes : le temps maximum de concentration des cadres en réunion. Url :

(9) Valdez P. Circadian Rhythms in Attention. Yale J Biol Med. 2019 Mar 25;92(1):81-92. PMID: 30923475; PMCID: PMC6430172.

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Recent Comments


Probably, you can drink caffeinated beverages and stimulating herbal teas instead of alcoholic drinks.

I’ve heard people say, “Ineed a stiff drink to think straight.”

Think about this, How can alcohol help you to focus or improve your concentration? In my opinion, it makes a situation worst.

Have a great week, my dear.

Maxine :)

Hi Maxime!

Yes, there are people who drink alcohol to think.

Thank you and have a great week also.


Hey Marie,

Imagine the state of the world if we continue to rely on people who need alcohol to think.

Let’s give thanks for more natural things to promote clarity.

Happy Wednesday, September 18th which is my birthday.


Hi Maxime,
Oh yes, you're right!

Be safe.

Thank you and same to you.

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