Silly me! I should know the importance of goals
When I started this journey some three months ago, I set some goals after going through all the certification courses. I go through stuff pretty fast and I was able to go through them in about three weeks. Then at the end, we're required to set some goals for the next three months.
So I decided that at the end of three months I'd like to have 36 articles up on my site, whether posts or pages. So here I am, three months old, and I have 29 posts and 15 pages. That comes to 44 and yes!!! I met my goals. Surpassed them actually. That's great!
One little downside, I didn't set any goals for beyond that! And now, I have just enough energy in a day to stare at my website and close it (quite literally, open website, stare for a while, close website).
Now here's a well known fact about me. If I haven't set myself any goals, I will sit and do nothing quite comfortably for however long it takes for me to realize I'm being silly. So here I am, having realized my folly and looking to you guys to share with me some of your goals that I'm hoping you'll allow me to steal (creative juices went on holiday, right along with planning senses, common sense, etc)
So feel free to let me know what your goals are or were at my stage and I'll reward you with a great big smile :-)
Have a lovely weekend awesome people!
Recent Comments
I agree that setting goals is important! Sometimes having a day away from the computer is required to get your head on and going again!
Your success is to be commended and congratulated!
Your goals will surface with some thought
I'm going to take a leaf out of your book & start getting my engines going. I'm not a goal-setter but I've seen how powerful that can be long-term if you're gonna be in online marketing.
Hey guys, Sami you were so right!! Some time away from the computer is exactly what I needed. I'm back with some new vigor and yes, new goals! I think they came to me in a dream...hahahaha