Another week flies by

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So the end of another week, I don't know if it is my age but weeks don't seem to be as long as they used to be & just fly by.

Anyway, it has been another good week, more posts have been indexed in Google & it is now only taking a matter of a day or so for them to be indexed. Very excited about that.

More posts written & published & I have been given my to do list for next week already so I have been doing research on them today.

Just wanted to leave a heads up for any new members out there, or a tip for them really.

Don't get bogged down with your training & ignore the look of your website.

Your training is important but so is the layout & overall look of your website, it is that which people will see & make you your revenue. People want a website they can relate to so make yours that.

I still haven't finished my training, I stopped 3/4's of the way through & went back to the beginning & started again. This made things so much clearer to me & easier to understand because I wasn't hopping between my website & the training.

All my focus then went into my website, I changed the theme, the main picture & generally cleaned it up. I am now generally happy with it, still got little things I am not sure about but on the whole it is pretty much how I want it.

So, don't let your training become more important to you than your website, training is important but your website is your face. Training will still be there tomorrow, make sure your website is as well & bringing in revenue.

Keep going back over the training if you have to, until you are happy with what you have to do & you understand the instructions being given. No one will think you are daft, we all learn at different rates & hey the good thing is no one will know.

Well, that is my tip for today, some of you may think "what a silly idea", but it has helped me through.

Have a good weekend everyone.

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Great info on how to cover the information. I know that the first time it was like reading another language. The second time through the fog was lighter. As I read posts and articles it makes more and more sense. I am not all grown up but I am getting there.

I know the feeling lol

Sounds like you are doing great. I've also went over the training more than once. Just take your time.

That is the secret, but most people want to rush & start making money & they lose sight of the most important thing, which is what is going to bring in the revenue & that is their website.

It is like the hare & tortoise race, we have the hares & tortoises, but slow & steady & attention to details is what will really win the race.

I agree with you.

Thank you for your thoughts and opinions Maxine. That was very insightful.
I will keep that in mind as I continue my journey here Wealthy Affiliates.
Thanks again.

Hi, I hope it helps a few, I think we all need some advice every now & again because we tend to let things race away with us & things are easily forgotten

The wonderful thing about Wealthy Affiliate is that most of us have open minds. So hearing you talk about restarting the training to get a clearer picture generally won't be met with "what a silly idea." Personally I think it's great for beginners to take it slowly and go back. There are so many small details and things that you'll understand better by doing so. Congratulations on your progress!

Many thanks for your input,there is a lot to take in & it is so easy to miss

Definitely. Slow and steady wins the race!

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