How much time do you spend on your website a day?
I personally only spend about 5 hours a week on my website. That's writing 3 articles a week - Each which takes 1-2 hours. Most of my social media is automated at this point and even interacting with people doesn't take long at all. All I do is scroll through my twitter feed, retweet about 10 posts or so. Maybe comment on some interesting tweets and do the same thing with my G+ account. When I make a new article I just share it on my social media - Done.
So I am spending on average only 5 hours a week on my site and at most 10 hours - Depending on how fast the ideas float for my articles. At this point I'm ahead of my article writing. What other things can I do? What things do you do? I feel like I'm not putting in enough time on my website here but I don't exactly knew where else to spend my time. My site has no traffic yet so I don't have any emails to send out or any landing pages to work on. I'm just trying to get traffic at this point.
Recent Comments
Are you using Flipboard and Sumome? I've been getting traffic from these - nobody has bought anything yet but if I can keep them coming back they will eventually.
Never heard of it. Is it another social media outlet?