One thing I love to do when something is overwhelming is to stop and think about it.
A good example where everybody can be related. Everybody, almost had those stress moment related to money.
How I will pay my bill, how I will find the money. In those moments, that can create a lot of anxiety and stress, because it's overwhelming. Stop and think about it.
A good technique I learn from Bob Proctor is to divided everything. The money example is a good one because, what he was suggesting is, take everything you need to paid monthly and divided it by bi-weekly. Then divided it weekly, then by day, then by hour you are working and you will realize that you have more money that you thought.
I tried and it works very good for me.
Well, if that technique work for money, it can work for anything else then.
I have a goal of 52 articles a year for my website. Looking this way, that scared me, I don't know how I will be able to do that.
But, if I'm writing one article a week, spending one hour a day on it, it gives me approximately 7 hours a week to write an article.
This perspective is totally different, because I'm able to see that I have minimum 7 hours to build a nice, high quality content.
It's just a question how we see things...
All the best,
Recent Comments
Yes, it does seem to be more manageable when broken down to be more productive. That is a great idea though. Thank you for sharing the information with us.
Great perspective! I agree with you. Wishing you all the best for 2019!