How too much information is definitely not helping


3 months ago I decided to get serious with my blog. I've been blogging since 2010, only wrote for the fun of it.

I didn't know anything about monetization, keywords, writing for engagement, graphics, traffic generation, etc, etc.

So I started a bit of an ad-hoc education process. I did a google search. The first thing that I read was an interview with Pat Flynn. I also discovered Wealthy Affiliates.

But I was so hungry for knowledge that I continued looking at different posts on the net. These were often written by experts who often offered me a free book, or similar. All I had to do was subscribe to their mailing list.

No problems there ... I knew what I was doing. There was bound to be some useful stuff.

And there was.

The problem was that I kept finding great people with great content, and great free books. I signed up for them all. I was learning about email lists, about engagement, about writing styles, about virtual summits, about building products, and holding webinars (to name a few).

And the emails started coming in. In the beginning, I read them all. But they didn't stop. And I was so hungry to learn that I kept subscribing to more email lists...

Now I'm drowning. The emails remain unread, or just get deleted. And I keep discovering new facets of blogging ...

The problem is that I'm now standing right in front of the blogging information stream....and I'm drowning.

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Hi Mark. Too easy to get hooked on all the info available, and want more and more! Most of us have been there too. Mudre did a good training on this. Read training emails and ignore the 'fluff'. You'll soon get the idea! Have a great journey. Regards, Jan

Thanks Jan

You are so right! I find myself thinking...oohh..ooh.. I need to learn more about this", and "that could be useful..." without actually applying anything.

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