Happy Independence Day Jamaica


Jamaica is an Island surrounded by the Caribbean Sea. It was first inhabited by Arawak Indians until in 1494 Christopher Columbus explored it and named it St.Lago.

Christopher Columbus is believed to be the first European to visit Jamaica.It was under Spanish rule until 1655 when it was taken over by the British.

Port Royal was the Capital of Jamaica and this was where the Buccaneers operated from. Port Royal fell into the sea during an earthquake in 1692. The entire city of Port Royal went under water.

Jamaica was ruled by the British until August 6, 1962, when it became independent.

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Yeah. 55 years old. not bad at all.

Yeah! Not bad.

Happy Jamaica Independence Day, Luna

Thank you, Carol! Hope you are having a Blessed Day.

Happy Independence Day Jamaica

Thanks for stopping by!

Hopefully I will have a chance to visit this beautiful island. Happy Independence Day!

Thank You! I hope your dreams will become a reality soon.

Thank you Luna.

Thanks from a Jamaican. You may not know that many pirate ships, docked in Port Royal (which was the capital of the Spanish Main at that time) sank during the earthquake, with their booty, and now there is some talk about treasure hunting those ships.

Also, Kingston (the capital) had a major earthquake in the beginning of the 20th Century that also destroyed the city. Happily, it was subsequently rebuilt, unlike Port Royal which is still somewhat of an anomaly on the island. The town is still at the end of a very long causeway, so residents keep mostly to themselves. Many of them are descendents (or mixed with) of British and Spanish sailors of old.

You are welcome! I did not know about the Kingston earthquake. I visited Port Royal a few years ago and the residents do keep to themselves. I have heard about the treasures that they thought went down at Port Royal.
You seem to know a lot about Jamaica's history. When was the last time you visited?
Thanks for stopping by!

So hoppy mon! Listen to Bob Marlow and do a jerk chicken recipe to celebrate!

A hear Yuh! I am gone vegetarian now.Thanks for stopping by.

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