Has anyone Sold a Website on Flippa?
I have a website that I am not very keen on. I started it 10 months ago but have not really put many posts on there and it brings very little income.
I saw a post on WA promoting www.valuemywebsite.com and according to this my website is worth $500. This would more than cover the cost of my WA membership. Of course there is no guarantee that my website would sell for this amount.
So I went of Flippa and noticed you could sell a website in one of two ways: auction or classified ad. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of selling a website via Flippa and if so what their experience was and whether it was worth doing.
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I have never sold a website on Flippa, but I have done some research on the subject.
My research found that a site usually will sell for 10-20 times monthly earnings.
Hope this helps,
Thnaks for that. Given the very limited earnings the site produces it would be 10-20 times very little! Probably not worth the effort.
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Never thought about this but will keep it in mind
It is a method of generating revenue that is gaining popularity these days.
I have friends that build Amazon affiliate websites, get them making $1000 per month and then sell them for $10000-$20000.
That is awesome need to learn more about that
Maybe I should put a bit more work into it then.
Thats what i was thinking mmmm - good idea