Mindless wonderings on this new adventure

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So here I am, writting this little piece of my mind, and I am so full of excitment. I have literally spent the last four hours researching online various ways to make money doing some form of marketing online...Google Ranks, something else called Swags (Did I mention I know virtually nada about this field? I am a total newbie!) and Lead Gens, etc. I almost signed up to join a program that costs $6,000 for a coaching program. There is so much out there, and I almost gave up until I saw the light..... Wealthy Affiliate! Granted, I have not even started yet, I only joined ten minutes ago and am still in the free beginner stage, but I have a good feeling about it. It feels legit, and the fact that there is no money up front definitely helps quell the soul of a skeptic like me. So, with that being said, I am so hopeful this new path will be a major game changer for me, and all others like me, who want to break free of the traditional mold of 9-5 work, and really enjoy our time here by doing what we feel passionate about. So thank you WA for finding me, or however our paths crossed in the wild jungle that is the world wide web this afternoon... I am both grateful and hopeful about this new learning journey.

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Lizzy I encourage you to come up higher to Premium. It is where it all is at. I was sceptic as well . When I came to premium it was a whole different world.

I'm brand new here, and I echo many of the thoughts that you have on display here! Trying to break free from the 9-5 mold, and establish residual income over time.


Yes, I think it is the way of the future, the old traditional model will be slowly fading away, I believe... for most industries anyway. I think Covid really opened my eyes to this possibility. Best of luck to you!

Hit the ground running Liz, welcome aboard and all the best as you settle in and start exploring the opportunity.

Definitely legit, and like all things the results are in proportion to the energy expended.

I happened to read your post and I hope you enjoy trying this program. I am also trying to break away as you put it from traditional work. Seeing your post kind of lifted my spirits in a way I've been on wealth affiliate for almost two months and have put quite a bit of time and effort into it and haven't seen any profit yet, but I honestly feel if we keep at this that we will make it one day. If you have any questions, who knows maybe I could help you. Good luck Lizzy hope it works out for you.

Likewise!! Thank you for the kind words and well wishes, I am hoping we can all succeed at this! Just wondering...have you paid for the "Premier" membership and still have made no $$ on it?

Yes I did so I could access all of the training it does make me feel better having premium with all of the little extras you receive. Having premium will definitely help you get indexed in Google faster but you can get there without it

Welcome! I am in the same boat as you. Came across WA while researching MLM and what a blessing! I am also in the beginning stages, I am confident we will do great all of us! Congrats!

Yes, right back at you!!! I am glad there is a community of support for all of us here on this platform.

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