10 Weeks, 50 Lessons, 22K Words
I completed my OEC training!!
Now I can move on to Bootcamp and get to some of the member training that looks so interesting.
I always feel like I should have a lot more content by now but I'm just going to celebrate my acheivement tonight and not get bogged down with the could haves and should haves.
I'm learning tons and I'm moving forward.
Thanks to everyone for your help and encouraging blog posts.
I hope to return the positive vibes!
Best to everyone,
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If you don't want could have/should have thoughts then simply ask yourself one question. And post this question on the top of your monitor. "Is what I'm doing now helping my business?"
You got this! Keep moving forward and if you do all the homework in the Bootcamp you will have a lot more content.
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Lisa, this is a really big achievement that needs to be celebrated.
If I may suggest, do not rush into Bootcamp training.
Take some time to go over what you have learned and tighten up things on your website(s).
Take a good rest also.
Bootcamp is even more challenging.
I wish you much more success.
Thank you Cassi, I will take your advice.
My website does need attention so I think I will take a breath and dive deeper into understanding how everything works and as you said, "tightening it up."
I appreciate your help, thanks again.
You are very welcome, Lisa.
I admire your tenacity and dedication.