Why dont more People travel often
As a travel Person, remote work, and social media “influencing” have become more mainstream, more and more people have started to travel the world (and become semi-permanent nomads). There are far more people going off on long trips today than when I started traveling years and years ago! There’s less pushback today than in yesteryear when you say, “I’m going to travel for a while” instead of going right to college or I am going down Town.
Yes, more people are doing it, but it’s still not huge numbers. Expedia shows that one-week or two-week trips are the average lengths of time that people spend overseas each year. Why is that? Let me tell you, you can do it more often than you think if you plan your Holidays properly. Does Money have something to do with it? Time?
But I think those are easy go-to excuses people used to hide the real, deeper reason they don’t travel.
After all, there are plenty of ways to travel cheap if you know where to look for advice, and there are plenty of people who have the time to travel but don’t. Money and time can’t explain it all.
So what are the real reasons that keep people from traveling?
Fear of running out of money, being alone, possible danger, getting off the career trek, sick, having no safety net — there’s an endless list of fears people have about travel, and leaving your entire life behind, with nothing but a backpack and a dream.
So, while people everywhere might dream of traveling the world, it is only those whose desire is strong enough who head out and stay out on the road.
In my younger years I daydreamed about the crazy things that would happen to me on the road. I’d make friends from around the world. I’d try adventure activities. I’d hike mountains and sail down exotic rivers. Locals would invite me out for drinks. I’d sip a latte, strike up a conversation with my beautiful waitress, and then the next thing I’d know, we’d be at a cockatail bar, staring into each other’s eyes.
Going back to Prepare and Plan your holidays in advance for many reasons, one is you will have much better deals to choose from, it will be much affordable because the flights are always much cheaper and if you have Children in school, booking in advance (six Month or more ) will save you a huge amount of money. My little girls just started reception school and I already booked my 2020 April's holiday's. It saves me at least twenty-five percent less if i had waited to book it closer to dates.
So think-plan and look for your next Travel adventure and remember there are always Holidays catering for your affordability.
Note: I get that not everyone can travel (for other very legitimate reasons), and I don’t mean to imply that travel is for everyone, but grab it if you can.
Lgi vP
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I think traveling back in the day had less constraints money-wise, security wise, etc.
Absolutely, but today they are more ways to do it and greater choices as well to suit every budget pocket.
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LgivP,Great Job Congratulation to you. Love your post. People today have a lot of incentive also. Keep up the good work. Wish you the very best on your journey. Have a wonderful day.
thank you very much, much appreciated, happy you like it