Can You Hear Me Now?

Every year I see people become overly stressed out this time of year trying to buy presents for loved ones and people that are close to them. What’s the hottest toys that every kid wants this year? I do not know what to get my wife or husband. We are having a “Secret Santa” at work and I got somebody I do not know or I do not even like.
This year I have an idea that may be more valuable than ever and will cost you next to nothing monetarily. It cost nothing to simply reach out and say “hello”, “how are you?”, or “how have you been?” to someone you have not spoken to in some while due to a disagreement or just because you have lost touch.
One of the greatest gifts you can give during these holidays is possible reaching out to someone that you have had a disagreement with and simply saying, “I’m sorry we have not spoken and I want to start speaking now.”
This could touch off a new start to a friendship that has suffered at a time when it is needed more than ever. We have all been affected in some way by the Covid-19 pandemic. It has taken away the simplest things that we enjoy in life. Getting together just to hang out, have lunch, or to watch a game of some sort. Why not take this opportunity to appreciate how much you miss these past times not by “Being the bigger person”, but just “being a good friend?” Who cares who reached out first, who said what, or who did not say anything? The bottom line is there is someone out there that you have not spoken to in some while for whatever reason and you have the opportunity to do so today. Not tomorrow, not next week, and not after the holiday rush is over.
Reach out today!!!
If you like this quote, pass it on to someone that you know that may need a pick-me-up today. It may be a difference and one way that you are helping make the world a better place today. For a limited time, subscribe for my updates and you will receive an opportunity to download a Self-Improvement e-book valued at $ 39 TOTALLY FREE!!!
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No if you follow my blog, it is for my high school students that I post something positive every morning. If you look on my site, there is no advertising at all. I am a high school teacher that tries to remind my students of the negativity that is in their face on a daily basis. I try to tell them to stop and reflect on something positive everyday. I am sorry if you feel that I am self promoting. I am sorry if I offended you in any way.
They are directed to the site on a daily basis to complete a “Feed your Soul” motivational poster. It is my way of teaching them to stop and personally reflect in some way daily
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Nice post. I always keep in touch with the few real friends I have. It is so important.