Feel like giving up? Look back, look forward, and give!


No doubt about it. I've lost my initial enthusiasm for building a profitable website to help win my freedom from the daily grind of employment.

I admit that distractions, obstacles and outright roadblocks have abounded for the past several months.

Other than social media posts, I haven't written a thing in weeks - until today.

I won't bore anyone who reads this with the details, but note this well if you're in a similar struggle against time, money, the weather, the people in your own life, or random events:

It's almost like the universe is testing your determination and will to make something more of your life than you've accepted or allowed others to hand you.

And that's okay - such testing seasons are part of the process.

I'm digging deep right now, questioning what it is I really do WANT for myself - and what ideas, goals, and products I've bought into in the past that may not be in line with who I'm becoming today.

Or that get me truly excited, happy, and jazzed about my life RIGHT NOW.

I'm writing today to note that this year has been extra hard - but that the winds of change may be blowing.

And I'm writing today because October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Five years ago, I could barely make a simple decision after 18 years in a relationship and marriage to a truly nasty character and 15 years as an isolated homemaker, doing my best to cope with said nasty character's treatment of me and our two teens...

Nearly five years ago, several weeks before Christmas, after months of an epic struggle that involved family court, social workers, police and restraining orders, he finally abandoned us to move on to easier targets.

I call that day my Freedom Day from a terrible marriage.

I was abandoned, left with only the $200 I'd hidden in my bank account, no job, no credit, a debilatiting case of PTSD, those two teens with issues of their own, thanjs to their father - and regular exposure to more of his threats and manipulations.

That actually wasn't the lowest point of my life - but it was in the Top Five.

Fast forward five years and a lot has changed, with a long way to go from that low place on my way to places I've yet to imagine..

I grabbed the first job I was offered back the, and have worked for my employer ever since. I enjoy working from home, but the pay is intentionally low and stagnant, and the prospects for advance also low.

As for my once anemic credit, today I not only have credit again, but my credit is GOOD - so good, in fact, that I bought a brand-new Chevy Spark 16 months ago.

With my good credit, I obtained several major credit cards and manage my spending and savings well enough that my credit score continues to rise.

The PTSD is largely gone because the cause of it is largely gone from my life.

Recovery from that old life is a continuing process - just like finding direction in my new life of freedom is a process, too.

Five years ago, I would have crumpled like a wet paper doll after the summer I've just had.

But not now. I just keep on keepin' on, pushing through each challenge. I research the problem. Uncover facts. Plan. And take action when and how I can...

For example: Last night, I attended a gathering of business folks that would have scared the old me silly. But felt right at home.

In two weeks, I'll be attend a luncheon in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The luncheon is sponsored by the domestic violence shelter that helped me win my freedom from that nasty character.

And If you feel like you're spinning your wheels, maybe you need to pause and take a look back, too.

Log your triumphs, not matter how small they might seem to others. Write it down - keep a Victory Journal for reference and look through your past successes when you're faced with your own distractions, obstacles, or roadblocks.

You'll amaze yourself with just how far you've come...

While the man I'm still legally bound to rages and fumes on social media (and the occasional hostile text that finds its way to my cell's spam folder) he remains relegated to the role of a minor character in the story of my life.

I'm making plans to legally sever those ties.

Other plans include my commitment to give back to others as I was once given to by strangers that cared.

I intend to donate part of my business profits to help abused women, children, and yes, even men.

At the luncheon given by the shelter that once helped me, I'll learn ways I can help this wonderful nonprofit do what they do for others.

And I'm issuing a challenge to my fellow Wealthy Affiliate business owners to also give a portion of your profits to help those causes that strike a chord of empathy in your own heart.

It doesn't matter which cause you support. Just pick one and commit to giving.

Give to others - and you mcan be the motivation that kicks you back into gear when you feel like giving up. You're not just doing it for the money - you're in business to help others.

It's what Big Business does to spark good vibes and trust from their customers.

You can do it, too.

What cause did you think of to give to? I want to know!

"No one has ever become poor by giving," - Anne Frank


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Recent Comments


Your positivity is inspiring, Laurie. Best wishes

You have had to deal with a lot, recently and we all stand ready to support you and help in any way we can; Just let us know...

Hi! Laurie2219, Your story is inspiring, but you are not alone since life is a constantly changing and adjusting dynamic process of struggle to cope with reality, certainty, and uncertainty for survival, growth, and continuation. Now, you swinged back into the right track for emerging success inside WA. In fact, I am in a similar struggle like yours so I can sustain my desire to help myself and many others. To reinforce the realization and understanding of Life Reality, welcome to articles listed in http://formefirst.com/onLifeBasics.html. If I can be more help to you or others, let me know; I am ready to work to succeed like you are intending and moving to... Best wish...

Great post Laurie, thanks a lot for sharing what you've been through. That was tough. I hope it'll be over completely. Stay strong and yes "it's better to give than to receive".

All the best to you and your teens,

It's always good to be looking forward more than backward!

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