Easiest Opt-In Form for Dummies?


I'm just wondering which plug-in you folks use here to create an opt-in form. I would like to have a simple form (maybe in my right margin) that says something like "Sign up here to receive any new posts" where the visitor can submit their first name and email address.

Which plug-in do you think is the easiest? Believe it or not, I activated Mail Chimp and worked with it a bit, and couldn't get it to work correctly. I thought it would be a lot easier to get installed and working than it was. I need one for "dummies". :-( My guess is that Mail Chimp is relatively easy for most people as it seems to be popular, but I got quite frustrated with it.

Also, is it safe to assume that these opt-in form plug-ins also offer a way to automate emails going out to the subscribers?

I guess this might be covered in one of Kyle's lessons that I haven't gotten to yet, so I hope I'm not jumping the gun.

Thanks a bunch.


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PLugins are OK but do slow things down so ask your self why do you think you b=need a plug in and what will it help you to achieve -
I have a plain simple site and use 5 plugin and it is working now on page 2 and 3 in Google world wide an same inYahoo in nearly every country - so something is working and my motto is kepp it simple!!!

Hi Paul,
Do you have a way to collect the names and email addresses of people who visit your site?

Try the PlugIn SumoMe Diana, It has an opt-In Form email that even I was able to figure out & SumoMe has so much more as well.

Let me know how You like it Diana,


Hi Tony,

I looked at the SumoMe and also Optin Form and that already had a pre-made form I liked so I gave Optin Form a try. Getting the form set up onto my website was extremely simple, so I thought I was good to go. The form showed up on my pages and blogs, and when I put in my name and email address to test it out, a screen came up saying a Mailing List hadn't been set up yet. My guess is that you need to set up a mailing list with a different plugin because I couldn't find anything anywhere at Optin Form that says anything about creating a mailing list.

Would you know if a separate plugin is required for mailing lists? I believe MailChimp that I started with had a mailing list as part of its plugin but I could never get things to work or figure out their system. I think the problems I had with the mailing list was the main problem I was having with MailChimp and which caused me to create this WA post originally.

Thanks, Tony,


Hi Diana,

my advice would be to take a closer look at the Optin Form's instructions and/or ask the support team for that particular plugin.

Let me know if they can help you Diana,


May I know how it is with your opt-in solution? Was it solved ultimately? And whether you switched to use others? Many thanks in advance!

Speak soon,

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