You're Not LAZY, You Just Don't Love What You Do.


Kyle here with a dose of Monday motivation for you! Today, I want to tackle a common sentiment I hear far too often: people labeling themselves or others as too lazy to achieve success.

But perhaps it's not laziness, but a lack of connection to what truly ignites our passion. In this video I am going to explore this...

In this video, we'll explore:

  1. The Myth of Laziness: Discussing the idea that laziness often stems from a disinterest in the task at hand, rather than an inherent trait.
  2. Passion vs. Obligation: How aligning your work with your interests can transform your approach and dedication.
  3. Choosing Your Path: The importance of selecting a niche or business model in the online world that resonates with your passions, whether it's social media, YouTube, SEO, content creation, or helping others.
  4. Personal Experiences: I'll share insights from my journey, highlighting how passion has been a driving force behind success in both hobbies and online business.
  5. A Call to Action: Encouraging you to reflect on what you're truly passionate about and how to pivot your focus towards more fulfilling and engaging endeavors.

Laziness is simply pointing us toward finding something that truly excites us. By focusing on areas we're genuinely interested in, success doesn't just become possible – it becomes very much inevitable (if you give yourself adequate time)

Have you ever felt "lazy" because you were engaged in something that didn't spark your interest? What are you truly passionate about, and how has it influenced your path to success?

Drop your experiences and insights in the comments below. I'm looking forward to getting a discussion and hearing about what drives you!

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i am passionate about traveling and writing about my travels, i have a website blog about it and i have a book in thge works that i would like to sell via the website. my problem is that i do not know if my website can be used in a business way. what do you think?

It really depends, there is always a way to monetize your website if you have traffic. But if you are just hobby blogging without intent, then it becomes much more difficult.

Not to worry though Michael, we are going to give you direction on how to properly build out a business in any niche. That is going to be covered in the "core" training:

If you need a hand with anything at all moving forward, let us know. ;)

I agree with you . I think that I got ahead of myself on my hub . I tried to add google adsense and they rejected me so now I am feeling sorry for myself and not wanting to do anything more on my site. I don't know what to do now as I am discouraged but I need to start from scratch and not give up this time as that is what I usually do when I met defeat or a setback. Just take it slow and restart and go ahead.

Yeah, don't feel sorry for yourself. You can apply again, you want 15 posts or so on your website before you apply to Adsense, no sense in rushing that before you get traffic.

So one foot in front of the other here, there are tasks laid out for you right within your hub. Go through those one-by-one and you will be well on your way Valene! :)

I agree. Take it slow, I applied to Adsense when I had like 10-20 posts on my website. They didn't reject me at that time, but now I am not even using Adsense anymore, maybe I should.

Do you know what my motto is: Crawl. Walk. Run.

It's simple but so powerful. You're still in your early phase. You're still learning to crawl but somehow you want to run. AdSense is for the runners. The walkers might get by. But definitely not the crawlers. Be patient.

Do you know how many times I got rejected by merchants on Shareasale, JVZoo and CJ Affiliate because I wasn't ready? Tons. I'm trying to become a MindValley affiliate but they require a minimum of 50,000 email subscribers and 100,000 monthly visits to my site. It's a numbers game. Start small. Keep trying and you'll crack the code soon enough.

All the best


Hi Kyle
I agree with you however life gets in the way. The opportunity you have presented to me has been lost. Not through any fault of my own. Is it possible to rest the clock to day one? I tried to orient myself to what you presented in the first lesson but didn't get around to completing the free training to evaluate for myself. I wasn't prepared with all of the requirements, for example, having a niche. I am retired and the refresh rate of my brain is a bit slow. All of this is brand new to me, and yes I have done a lot of research but didn't have a clear goal in mind when I signed up, my fault. I have been misled so many times before and instead of learning to clear my mind completely of any pret ideas, the exact opposite happened.
Please may I have another attempt at going through the free training?


You have as much time as you need, it is not a race and i will make sure the bonuses are available for you when you want to move to a Premium membership. So no worries there.

Take your time, and as you move forward please reach out if you need a hand with anything at all. ;)

Thank you, I will pursue this again with a completely open mind.
There is so much to absorb, work with, and get my mind around. Step by step I will get there. Thank you for your patience.

Hey Kyle, I couldn't agree more with you. We are coming into our busy time for my non online business, so I find myself working longer hours and having less time for working on my online business.

The point you make about being passionate about what we are doing is why even after the long days is why I come home and spend at least an hour working on my business. Even though I am busy and tired, it is me loving what I am doing that keeps me learning, building and growing.

So yeah, loving what you are doing is important.

Yeah, and one thing to consider is that is when most people won't continue working. So when you are working when your competition is not, that is going to give you a competitive advantage as well.

Hi Kyle your right there! And i my self have been struggling for quite some time on my niches there just nit singing to me i constantly find my self wanting or trying to find content to help and teach up and coming or even struggling once i am not it all seems to come easy to me and after hearing this i used to work at my business for days straight once i tapered off the affiliate training i found my self not even wanting too open my computer so thanks for reinstalling in me what really kept me here this long and why i went so hard for so long to accomplish it i have a feeling things are goingto really start moving for me

Yeah, that come down to doing something that you love, in an industry that you love. Get yourself rolling within a niche that you enjoy learning about, discussing, and helping others within. Combine that with a business that you enjoy building out, and you are going to be golden. ;)

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