Have NO Fear When Starting Your Business Online - Here's Why.

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Hey everyone,

Today I wanted to chat about FEAR...in particular the fear of entering the digital "jungle" and establishing an online business. It's more common than you think and if you’re reading this, you may be intimate with this particular anxiety. But rest assured, you’re not alone on this teetering precipice of online entrepreneurship.

The roots of this dread are varied. For some, the mere idea of creating a business online may sound like a complex task, laden with unknown technical intricacies.

For others, the fear of failure looms large—the specter of publicly stumbling, the prospect of financial risk, and the daunting challenge of starting from scratch. Beneath the surface, these fears are intense and, often, it's the fear of the unknown that's the most paralyzing.

I was there once. I know exactly what it feels like!

But I'm here to tell you, as someone who has been through the wringer and come out on the other side, that these fears are common—they're universal, they're completely human. And even better, they're conquerable.

This first section aims to closely examine these fears, not to stir them further, but to understand them, to take away their corners and shadows, and ultimately to deflate them.

Demystifying Common Misconceptions about Online Business

It’s time to unravel the many superstitious misconceptions about the seemingly scary world of online business. Are they monsters under the bed—or harmless shadows cast by unfamiliarity?

Let's have a look at some of the most common misconceptions:

First up—the dreaded tech monster! It murmurs whispers of coding languages, algorithms, and some mystical SEO. NEWSFLASH! The reality is far simpler. Sure, technology plays a big part, but no one expects you to be the next Elon Musk. Vital online platforms and interfaces are designed for the common man—YOU, the everyday user!

Misconception number two—the impossible financial beast. An ugly myth is that starting an online business requires the kind of wealth reserved for oil barons. The truth? Start-up costs can be substantially lower than traditional businesses. Overheads? Minimal. Physical spaces? Unnecessary. Money moguls? Not required.

The next bad boy—the over-saturation scare. 'Every idea's taken. There’s no room for me in my niche.' Sound familiar? Let’s bust this myth—there’s ALWAYS room for innovation, for a fresh perspective. Success doesn’t demand an unprecedented idea, but unique execution. Be yourself—because nobody else can. And not to mention there are 5.5 BILLION people online..that is a huge audience.

Now, let’s hit the pause button. Breathe. Absorb.

Breaking down these misconceptions, it becomes clear—we're talking shadows, not monsters. Evidence, expert opinions, real-life success stories, they can all paint a similar narrative—online business is absolutely a venture that anyone can take on, and succeed with.

Now let's get tackle the real boogymen, the fears that create inaction (which is actually the only way to fail).

Top 5 Fears of Starting an Online Business (And How to Overcome Them)

We've debunked misconceptions, but let's now address the elephant in the room—the innate FEARS that people have when starting an online business. Here are the top five fears and how you can MUSCLE UP and OVERCOME them:

1. Fear of Failure: EVER HEARD OF the old saying, 'failure is the stepping stone to success'? Yes, running an online business could stumble, even fail. Yet, it’s through falling that we learn to pick ourselves up. PERSISTENCE IS KEY.

I fail every day. It is part of my make-up now as a 21 year Internet Entrepreneur and as cliche as it is, failure is what leads to greatest form of learning and success. Embrace it, don't fear it.

2. Financial Risk: Loss of seed money can be devastating—no sugar-coating there. But wouldn't you agree that INVESTING in your dreams is one of the best investments you can make? And remember, starting an online business doesn’t require a fortune—some just need a laptop and a reliable internet connection.

We have kept the pricing here at Wealthy Affiliate the most cost efficient in the industry, while our service is leads the industry in comprehensive nature. We could charge more, but don't...and don't plan on it. We want everyone to have a fair opportunity to succeed within the online world.

3. Technical Challenges: 'I’m not a techie'—Sounds familiar? Unlike when I started out (and my website took 30 days just to get live), the technology aspect of building a business online has been pretty much eliminated with NEW tech that has been built.

Wealthy Affiliate (and the internet) are PACKED with fantastic learning resources, tutorials, and support systems. Your tech skills will LEVEL UP faster than you think, and just by hanging out here with "experts", they are going to rub off on you!

4. Competition: 'It's oversaturated.' But is it? Did you know a UNIQUE proposition cuts through noise like a hot knife through butter... isn't life ALWAYS full of competition? Whether it is a job, or pickle ball club you are joining, or playing online chess, competition exists. Plus, a little competition only keeps you on your toes and motivates you to innovate and improve.

You have an edge over 99% of the competition being a member here within WA, being able to rub shoulders with internet millionaires, and being able to network and learn from those that are thriving online...not to mention your tool set that you ave access to here. Don't fear competition, it is part of any journey to success.

5. Lack of Support: You may FEEL alone in this venture but, you are NOT. Wealthy Affiliate, for instance, offers peer support, learning materials, and expert guidance. You need help with ANYTHING, just ask.

Fear can either paralyze you or prompt you to take the BIG LEAP. And remember, everyone had to start somewhere. The online world is a goldmine of untapped potential awaiting bold explorers like YOU!

Now it's YOUR Time. Conquer the Fear of the Online Unknown..

Now, fear is a tricky beast. I get it.

It can either paralyze you, keeping you stuck in the vast, comfortable expanse of the known...or it can propel you to step into the wild, exhilarating terrain of the unknown—YOUR unknown—the one place where true potential lies dormant, waiting to be discovered.

Don't fear the underwater murk of uncertainty; rather, dive into it with purpose. Every successful online entrepreneur started somewhere. They felt the flicker of anxiety, the cold sweat of uncharted territory... yet, they emerged victorious.

Remember the fears we dispelled earlier? The fears of failure, financial risk, technical challenges, fierce competition, lack of support? They all seem...less formidable now, yes? That's progress, right there!

With proper planning, diligent education, relentless initiative and rare persistence you can mitigate these fears. You are not alone in this journey. The online world is a supportive community—that's the beauty of it.

I would love to hear your feedback, and how you have managed "fear" in your journey to success. Or share your greatest fears... Drop your comments, questions and feedback below.

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It is not the fear of failure for me its just being busy with other things in my life whereby I cant spend the time that I would like in creating my online business. Everyone has fears it is about risks you take in life and persevere until success is achieved.

Kyle, this is all good information. I had been in Wealthy Affiliate a few years back and did not give it its just due. This time I told myself it was going to be different. To achieve my goals, I know I have to be mindful of my actions, time, and effort. Achieving goals is a significant accomplishment, and it can be done by following the plan that has already been set. I have a plan sorta, and I have to remind myself of the big picture and keep my goals close to me. I realize goal achievement is not always a straight line; if I find myself slipping, I have to remind myself why I have chosen to follow this path and what the benefits of success will be. I guess I have to constantly keep telling myself that I can do this. This group has welcomed me with open arms and I should embrace that.
Thank you for this article of positive thoughts!

Goodaygals and guys 😁 I've been here where abt 6 hours, before, but suddenly I'm running out of data in the net😅but now I'm back yohooo. 😅. So as I read the 5 fears of starting an online business, so let me start that no. 1
Fear of FAILURE It's just like a jumping into conclusion which you are dealing or engaging, working will be turn into nothing. In the word failure itself before it becomes to fail, you have an action taken or you ponder every task or any strategies but it doest work or the outcome that you need to see doesn't effect. I think it's too early for that. It's ok to be failed than doing NOTHING,, failure is a part of the process.. For example me
Actually before I graduated in college I have a lot of failures, like. In my grades,so in that failure another problems occur like financial.. So in able for me to..🤔I forgot that term. Heheh. To surpass or overcome in that problem, I make another steps so, it is to Pass all the exams.. Then I graduated then. I LOOK BACK where those point that made me and brought me in that failure.. So then I found out actually I have pass Al of my exams, hhehe the only thing is the is a percent when it come to giving grade like 40percent in. Exams 15 in attendance.. Etc.
Then I Iook in that creterias I found out that I'm lack in attendance, groups meetings and recitations in exact I have a lot of absents, so as I know where my lapses is, so I make a move a solution.. As I said to mylself"let those good times roll should've in relaxed or needed to be stop. Then I always present going to school having attendance etc watsoever.

Cont. 😁 Before my phones lag and all my writing become nothing. Hhehe.. Then, where I stop. Hmmm that fear of failure.. As I conclude failure only sprout or came out when my actions doesn't comply or meets the standardization. Maybe I have an axtionse but ita not complete going to succeed because theres a steps, procedure or some engredients that not with me while I'm taking that action another failure is what we calltnis sayings or qoutes "f your failed to prepair, prepare to be failure" 😅😁

No. 2.Financial risk.. It's with in already in the pocket of the no. 1.Which is failure in able for that financial not become. Into a risk, 😁theres a lot of heartfully supportive affiliates here 😁All we need is to take their advice seriously and go into it is just a matter of time and management..
For me it's all about the whole package .I don't have savings for now, Coz something personal.😁when I should start going into that upgrade? Maybe when all is well,. 😁Thanks.

Aw. That #345? Technical. Challenge a little by little we. Can master it I think, Hmmhmm it's like I want to know how to mororcylce or to drive a car. Then as I roam over and over here all of the power full tools are just in my front. It's slowly for me. To see those because I only using my android phone but I turn it to desktop view the charang🎊 boom!! All the resourcess we need is already here. 😁Let me master all of this hehehe. Coz honestly I don't usually engage this kind of technology like this outputs inputs this kind of mnus keys options and etc. But slowly I slowly get into it a little by little..
Then it's an advantages like those who ar always In this kind of scenario or on this business.. It's like a push, push, push it doesnt matter what if we made it a little by little 🤔I think I'm not in a race.. 😁BUT when all are already packagely prepaied when you see that finish line or the cup or mug of success I should grab it now, another extra moves, genuine efforts is mustly executed. Then the no. 4 and no. 5🤔hmmm. Let me in to it that number 5.Wow what do you call that as the first time I take my step here, don't you imagine in actuall the main founders where the one who welcome me and gave me instructions and also some affiliates..

🙄🤪😁Then the number 4. .Competetion? Maybe but it's only a clouds in our head were all uniques there no need to compete as some one told me he is an old fart 😅. Don't compete instead let them set a tour guide. Each of one of us have different characteristics or we have different stules. In life competition is alwasys ther
Its up to u show we deal with it. Hmmm🤔When is your wedding anniversary? Let me gate crash there and eat some foods and drink some beer😬Still remember that days before you and your partner now. I think theres a scenario that your competing with someone else, but because of maybe your moves or style or your just into yourself then the two becomes one😁🎊😬🤪Have a great day a head.. ✌️👍👍🙏

Hmm, the only fear I have is finishing one thing. Actually implementing properly in the right order the steps to completing what it takes inside a system to the final click that actually starts everything in motioning bringing eyes on your offer and co.mission to your account. It's still a myth to me as to why fears are a roadblock to one's success. Im sure there are some people who have fears in this business like myself Ive been scammed big time got very discouraged at continueing with it , but im no quitter. Now im thinking maybe i should have or at least tried something entirely different. I wanted to continue but not fail ,and so I get a mentor , a coach. Spent a lot of money on him and realized later on that it was a big mistake. I feel I got burned again. The thing I was going at that point is how to make money burning people and that's the furthest thing I want to do . This guy was telling me things I should try an d it was just way out of my comfort zone with what I wanted to do. I've been doing this for way to long not to have made money with it. I've seen newbies start and become super affiliates in less time that I've been giving a go at it. My number one problem I admit is the ""Shiny Object" syndrome. I think I have over 200 systems on one platform alone, and guess what? Not a one that's been gone into to make me money. I don't know what it is. I but them just to let them sit . It's like when the lottery first came out I played every Tuesday and Saturday my numbers knowing that one day they'll hit. One Saturday came by and I was to play my numbers and had plenty of time so I took a nap, and I happened to nap a bit too long and wouldn't you know my numbers hit on that day . The only day that I missed getting my tickets . 6 million bucks ! Bad luck for me it just wasn't meant to be at least on that day. I spent more money on tickets only to never check them after that. The only time I'd check them was to see if they expired or not . They would just sit there in my wallet all I'd have to do is check em . The same with my systems I don't know why I buy and let them sit. I'll say today I'll get one going or I'll tell myself it's old and outdated. So I buy another one thinking I'm going to do a d finish today . Today never happens. I always go it alone thinking I can do it myself . Not wanting to get another coach and cant afford one any longer . My attitude has changed quite a bit it's not as desirable as I once thought, I'm more like if it happens it happens . So now my time is getting divided with other things, and a lot less stress.

Hey Jack,

I know it can be incredibly frustrating and disheartening to face challenges and setbacks in your journey, especially when you've been dedicated and have made significant investments, both in terms of time and money. Your experience with being scammed and feeling discouraged is, unfortunately, not uncommon in the online business world. There are lots of scams out there (unfortunatelY), and at Wealthy Affiliate, we've been advocating against these and offering a safe and trustworthy environment for learning and growth...and led the industry for the last 18 years.

It sounds like you've also encountered the "Shiny Object Syndrome," which many people do, chasing after new tools and systems hoping for a breakthrough, only to find yourself overwhelmed and without the progress you hoped for. This is a common obstacle that many entrepreneurs face. The key to overcoming it is focusing on one strategy or system at a time, thoroughly implementing it before moving on to the next.

Remember, success in affiliate marketing and online business doesn't happen overnight. It requires persistence, learning from mistakes, and sometimes, restarting with a clearer vision and strategy. Since you've recognized your challenges, you're already on the path to overcoming them. Focusing on one project or system, learning to implement it properly, and not being afraid to ask for help within a supportive community can make a significant difference.

It might be beneficial to take a step back and reassess your goals and the methods you're using to achieve them. Consider leveraging the community and resources at Wealthy Affiliate to guide you, we teach what works and we are going to streamline the creation of a business for you.

And remember, it's okay to go at your own pace. Success isn't measured by how quickly you achieve it but by overcoming obstacles along the way. Your journey is unique, and while it's easy to compare yourself to others, it's important to focus on your own progress and what you're learning.

If you ever feel overwhelmed or unsure about your next steps, remember, the Wealthy Affiliate community is here to help. You're not alone in this journey! :)

Hi Kyle
I am just getting into it now. I am at the about me. Question is it better to right on experiences and add abit of humor? I can't see using ai to write it for me.
I am puttering along with 3 teens and some personal issues I can do this!!!

You may write as many words | and paragraphs as you like on your "About Me" post. I would elaborate as much as possible. This is the first contact your visitors have with your site; they want to know the founder, what's the site about, whether they can establish rapport, and above all, whether they can trust the site and whether it is content-worthy and user-experience friendly. What would be your USP (unique selling point) when you walk into a store: what would you like to see, and what would your first impression be? If it doesn't hold to your standards, you will leave. The same is true with your about me page; if the visitor doesn't feel at ease, they will click away.

I infuse my writing with humor, but I keep it light. Absolutely, you can do it.

You can absolutely do this Tracy, the thing is we have efficiency tools available for you and you can efficiently create your About Me page and you can input as much information as you want in the content area of the Designer, and it will make sure to incorporate that.

After you get an AI Author to write it for you (they are well polished), there may be some editing to make it your own, but it is going to be minimal. As you build out your website, this is going to be your go to platform, and you are going to be able to build out your website more efficiently than ever...remember it is AI assisted, not create. You are letting it do the research and heavy lifting for you, but you are doing the editing and polishing after the fact. ;)

Thank you very much Abie

And ty Kyle , I am starting to write it now

You are welcome, Tracy!

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