Pushing through


So this whole building a business on-line thing can be frustrating, over whelming and a whole host of other emotions that can hold you back. It's like this with anything new and over the years I've discovered that it's a very necessary part of success.

Pushing through these "hard times" is essential and it's probably there to help you determine if what you're after is really what you want. If it's not you'll stop (fail) and if it is you'll pursue the goal regardless of how tough it gets. Good news is it doesn't stay this way provided you keep taking action everyday towards your goal. Remind yourself why you set them everyday, read them everyday and again keep taking action everyday.

The results are in the action you take, and the action moves you out of the "hard times" and into a place of understanding where things fall magically into place. It's a beautiful place to be and is available to the anyone prepared to keep on keeping on. Even the smallest action like watching a video, reading a helpful post or going through some training helps with moving one out of the stuck zone.

Some keys to help you:

  • Take action everyday no matter how small (small steps are better than no steps)
  • Read you goals everyday (motivation like bathing doesn't last that's why we have to do both everyday)
  • See yourself having already achieved your goal (Everything has to happen in the mind first)
  • Cut yourself some slack (There are enough people around to put you down so don't be one of them)

So I leave you with the wise words of Rob Schneider

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Thank you for your insights and helpful advice. I wish you great success in your online business. - Chuka

Thank you very much, same to you

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