The 3 Most Important Tasks


The 3 most important tasks in your business are...

1. List Building

2. Email Marketing

3. Product Creation

List Building

Experienced internet business owners have heard before and new business owners need to hear it everyday. "Build Your List", "If I lost everything, I can bounce back quickly as long as I have my list."

Why is the list so important? Because our industry estimates that a good opt-in email address is worth $1 each per month. You do the math. We will go over what a good list is or what some call the "Super List" later.

Today, I just want to engrain how important it is to build that list from day 1.

As you buld your list and communicate with them you are creating a relationship. If you engage with them relative information that benefits them so much that they enjoy and look forward to your emails you are building trust. When they trust you and you go above and beyond in the quality of service you provide they will buy what you recommend. Treat them and your list with the highest reguard.

Take Action: It's as simple as this and it's called the "4 Step Formula"

1. Create a Squeeze Page (Landing Page)

2. Send Free and Paid Traffic To It

3. Sell a Product That Makes Back The Money Spent On Ads.

4. Email to Your List Day after Day

Incorporation this Formula into your 3 Daily Tasks ...

List Building, Email Marketing and Product Creation.

Be Amazed how fast your business grows!

Tomorrow, well talk about Email Marketing...

Until then, make it a great day!

-Kevin Wiley

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Thanks, Kevin!

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