Fear and Being Successful


Fear of being successful is very real...just as real as being afraid of heights or spiders. I have struggled with this fear for many years. I have always felt like there was so much more I am supposed to be doing like my world is supposed to be so much bigger, yet 've been too afraid to try to be successful.

I think it is partly due to the fact that I am a very quiet person. I keep to myself. I don't like to be the center of attention and to me successful people get a lot of attention. I have always associated successful people with having certain character traits like being charismatic and charming, loud and overly energetic. I don't have these traits, so that must mean I can't be successful, right? WRONG!I

It's taken some time but I realized that success is a state of mind, not a financial status.

If you want to be successful change the way you think about yourself. No one can change the way you think about yourself, except you! You have the power to be successful and you have the power to define what success is for you. Many people get caught up in trying to be like someone else in order to be successful, but when you realize that you can be successful just by being you!it's like a weight gets lifted and you see things differently. I remember how empowered I felt when I finally realized this.

I didn"t care anymore about what everyone else was doing, or what everyone else would say, or what everyone else would think. I understand now that I decide how I want to live and I decide how I'm going achieve my goals

Damn! That felt good!

But..here they come.the negative thoughts! The what ifs What if I can't succeed? What if it's harder than I thought? What if I am not smart enough? What if I'm too shy? What if, what if, What if!!!

Practice positive thinking to combat all of those what ifs. Having a positive outlook on life is critical to having a successful frame of mind. I have found that when I replace negative thoughts with positive ones it helps me to look at things from a different perspective. So now, when I find myself thinking negative thoughts, I take a moment to be conscious of how I am speaking to myself, and then make a decision to stop it. I replace those negative thoughts with positive ones like I am great at following instructions, I am smart, I am beautiful, I am kind.

After a while, I get to thinking, I am kind of awesome!

Hey if I don't think I'm awesome no one else will! LOL! Anyway, when you learn to tackle issues with a positive mind, your obstacles become opportunities and your fears become stepping stones. So with that being said, you can be successful! Remember you decide what success is to you and you have the power to change your life. Pra

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Great blog!!!

Awesome. Truly, truly awesome... You are a star player. This community really is a GREAT place to be. Thanks Kerving77.

Thank you! This community really IS great! I've never seen anything like it. I'm still new to this process but already I am feeling like I can be successful here. Thanks again for the comment!

I have always feared being successful and never knew it. From farming to Networking to everything else I have experienced I have stopped short of the goal. And never knew why until these last few months. It probably is because I just don't think I deserve it. What a bunch of Bull. We all deserve success. Will discuss this more .

I see what you're saying and I agree. I used to be afraid of success in a sense and I would always beat myself up about it. I had to first define what success was to me...not society or anyone else but me. When I did that I was able to realize that what I felt like was success went hand in hand with what made me happy so now I can go after what I want with no doubt and no fear. There can be no fail in going after something that I love because the reward is in the pursuit......there is no fail!!! :-)

Well said my friend!

To get over your fears I would like to suggest to you a book that I am reading as of this very moment. "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker.

Your scared of being successful? I would find that hard to believe.

What you are more likely to be scared of is the fact that you might fail on your journey to success. It is easier to say you didn't "try" something than it is to say that you "failed" at it.

However, one thing that most people don't understand is that failure goes hand in hand with success. It is part of success and it is part of the subsequent steps that you will face when you are on your journey of success.

Nobody is scared of success, they are usually afraid of the journey to get there. It is easier to "not try something", but this approach will never lead to any personal growth and it absolutely will not lead to success.

Face your fears, do what your fears are telling you not to do, and do them regularly. Success is around the corner, you just need to push all the crap out of the way to get there.

I do have some fears, but the point of the blog was to encourage others who might feel the same way. Its about facing your fears and defining success for yourself. I do appreciate your words of encouragement though...

Yeah, I think this was an excellent piece you wrote here!! :) I simply meant at the core of your (or anyone else's fear), it is not of success, it is the path to success that people fear and the unknowns that may come. Having a community like WA behind you should ease those fears because there are many people that have "been there, done that" in every situation.

Everyone has fears and everyone fears being wrong to a certain degree, when in fact their way of doing things may be more "right" than those that think they are doing it right. :)

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