Certification For Course 4


I have finally achieved the certification for course 4! This one is a big deal for me because of my lack of knowledge of anything in social media!

I had an account with Google but had no idea about how to use Google plus! I am still learning and will continue but now I know the language!

Twitter was something the kids used. My comfort zone sending tweets has improved 100% since learning how to use this social media tool!

Facebook was to look at pictures of friends and family members. Now it is a tool to send information on my business.

Pinterest was used to send recipes to one another. Now it is a wealth of shared information!

This was the most difficult of the training sessions so far and it is not mastered yet but I will have that done!

If I can do it, you all can!

Take care my friends!


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Recent Comments


Well done on the accomplishment mate !

Thank you! It is fun doing all the learning..Now on to level 5!

Remember your true rival is not certification,but oneself.
That's the certificate you have to fight and achieve during your life.
By everyday you are better than yesterday.

Thank you! I have to remember that as it makes total sense!

I wish i can progress same as you,well i am sitting more than 3 hours per day,replying,checking,training too :-)
I reach course 4 someday.

Anyways all the best


One step at time my friend! You will get there!

Nice one Keith.
Keep up the good work :-)

Thank you Paul! I will keep on learning starting with level 5!

Well done, Keith!

Thank you Reanna! Now it is time to move on to level 5!

Well done, yes it's a steep learning curve for me also...never heard of pinterest before and I dislike Facebook immensly...so it's a challenge but getting through it slowly but surely

Thank you Paul! Now I don't feel alone! It took awhile but it is now done...Now on to level 5!

Congratulations Keith!

Thank you! Time to start level 5!


Thank you! Level 5 is next!

Well done Keith

Thank you! I hope level 5 is a bit easier!

Absolutely Keith keep moving forward

Thank you Anthony! My next challenge is level 5!

Well done Keith!!!

It's funny, but I already had accounts with Facebook, Pinterest and LinkedIn and hardly ever use any of them. Yeah, I was both looking forward to and dreading Course 4; I haven't mastered social media yet, but it's not as intimidating as I thought. Surprisingly enough, I think I really like Twitter!!!

Thank you Veronica! I learned a lot and will use them..I really hope level 5 is easier!

I found Course 5 to be a breeze. Even if you just did 1lesson a day, you could easily finish before the end of February Keith!!! I know you have your grankids to watch, so it may take you a little longer, but I'd say 2 weeks tops!

Lookin' good Keith!!!

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