My journey thus far.
I would have to say my journey so far has been two sided. One side I was scared to death,and the other side was very comical. I'm sure I wasn't the only one who felt like a deer and headlights, but the good news is many within the community reached out to encourage me and to let me know things will get easier. Lets start with course one. Pretty scary I must say. I felt like when someone goes to boot camp and after that first night they are lying in their bunks thinking to themselves what in the hell I have gotten myself into? That was for sure me. Let's us not mention when Kyle said write your first post. Again, I was like a deer in headlights. Who me? he wants me to write something. Fortunately Kyle knew what to say and when to say it. It really eased my mind because I was ready to jump on a couple of occasions. Just kidding :). I have learned a lot and have a greater appreciation of what goes into creating a website. A lot of blood,sweat and tears, and of course a little swearing at times, but I made it. I must say I am way more comfortable now then I was when I started and I guess I have the community as well as Kyle to thank for that. Some told me in a response. Keenya just breathe. I laughed because I really needed someone to talk me down of the ledge. Ha Ha. I am approaching lesson 3 and quite frankly looking forward to the next step in the journey. Not a pro yet but I'm striving. I must say I'm pretty proud of myself so far.
Later Y'all.
Recent Comments
Great post, it can be overwhelming and intimidating at first but this community and our leaders (Kyle and Carson) have put together a process that we might not understand at first but if we follow it, we will begin to see why they have us do what we do.
I call it the "Paint the Fence" process. All the best.
That's great Tanya. You are a fighter.
Good writing too!.