Resisting the Shiny Object Syndrome

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Happy Tuesday/Wednesday, WA folks! Greetings from the Jersey Shore where it's 8:41 pm.

I would like to discuss an important topic for us all at Wealthy Affiliate.

Resisting the Shiny Object Syndrome

How many times were you tempted by a nice-looking ad?

It happens to anyone and everyone - no matter the age, location, experience, or background.

One thing is when they're trying to sell you a product. But another thing is when they're trying to sell you a lifestyle and dreams.

How many times did you see "internet gurus" telling you that you can make money starting today, with no investment, and that you could immediately pack all your things and go somewhere warm to finally work from your laptop on the beach?

That sounds way too good to be true - but the internet is full of "gurus" who's business model is basically all about selling the dream to fill their own pockets.

Wealthy Affiliate will raise suspicions from people on the outside with no affiliate marketing experience - but it has been around for a long time now and it is actually very efficient at what it does, so if you're here and you're still in doubt - you're in the right place and you have nothing to worry about.

I hope you stick with the platform and keep on learning, but how to avoid the temptation of falling for shiny objects? Here's how...

Understand the Importance of Staying Consistent

There are many attractive online business models. Even being able to make money online is attractive by itself.

But dabbling around and trying out every business model without putting all your time & effort into one business model - you won't get far. Why?

Because you will try each one of the business models, say it doesn't work and move on to the next one.

But if you chose your favorite online business model and you stuck by it - after a couple of dedicated months, you'd already start seeing the first results.

Now imagine the results you could achieve if you stay consistent with something for over a year or even two years?

Set Both Big & Small Goals

Sometimes it's hard to feel like you are doing much. We are all doing much more than we think.

Therefore, it's important to understand the hard work, learning, and time we put into our businesses is good enough.

I'm a big fan of setting goals (both small & big) since that will help you feel like you're moving well. Training is great since it has actionable steps that you move through - but even when you finish the training, you will always have short & long term goals that will help you move forward.

Have a Clear Business Plan in Mind

You need to know exactly how your online business model works (affiliate marketing in this case) and you need to know how your site will incorporate into it.

Therefore, this means you need to know exactly why you do things the way you do them and what will come out of it.

Once you know this, it will be easier to trust the process and stay consistent for as long as it takes.

Execute and Don't Stop!

Be driven by the goals. As Kyle says - do the hard work now so you can enjoy it later.

We are all in this for money, but don't let that be the only goal you have. Money is just a way to achieve things such as the ability to work from home, ability to spend more times with your family & friends, ability to work on your own terms & schedule, and the most important one - the ability to work on something of your own (even if it's online).

Wealthy Affiliate isn't easy work - so if you come across something that sounds too good to be true, don't give it a second thought!

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Recent Comments


You're right Barb, WA is simple but it's not easy.
It is very rewarding but does require the hard hours and maybe that's one of the reasons people get sidetracked into this S.O. Syndrome.
Lots of us have been there, it'll always happen but it's important to remain focused here because the long hours will pay off in the end.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Appreciate your input.


I enjoyed your post, All true information, and a great reminder.
Yes, there are way too good to be true sites out there.

I made one choice, and that is it. I am here for life!!!!

I love the people, the training, and the journey I am on.
Thank you for the inspiring post.

Have a great Wed.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

You hit the nail on the head by identifying it is the different "business models" that we are finding shiny and that we need to stay consistent with one business model, at least until we get profitable in our chosen model!

One of my mentors goes so far as to call it an addiction and he stays with the niche market of MMO because, according to him, they are the most addicted! And it is a good market in down times too, especially now!

Thank you very much for your input. Much appreciated.

well said i totally agree that good things takes time.Thanks for sharing

Thank you for your response.
Much appreciated.

Tracy Chapman- Don't be tempted by the shining apple
Love it
Always stay on track

Thank you very much for your input. Much appreciated.

Always good to see you Barbara
Go well my friend

Thank you very much, Vicki.
Same to you.

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