The Difference Between Swimming in a Lake and a Pool


So, here's my secondblog;

I thought of several different subjects but I kept coming back to continuing my analogy of learning how to become successful in affiliate marketing and learning to swim. Well, when I ended my last blog I had learned to swim and had passed the test to swim in the deep end of the pool; I made those accomplishments when I was about 7.

The next June a bunch of my friends were going up to one of our local reservoirs which had a water temperature of around 50 F what I would consider liquid ice today, but not us kids. My Dad owned the Clipper Mills General Store and was the postmaster of the Clipper Mills Post Office, so I burst into his office begging to go; but was met with a firm no. Feeling totally defeated I flopped down in a chair at the end of his desk as I howeled, "'s not fair, everybody's going to be there, why can't I go last year you said no because I couldn't swim...I'm a good swimmer now." (He didn't think there enough adult supervision for an inexperienced swimmer as myself)

"Yes you can swim, and I'm very proud of taught yourself; but there's a huge difference between swimming in a pool with a water temperature of 76 to 78 F and in a Lake with 50F water With a depth of 80 to 100 ft and no nearby sides to hold on to. The water is too cold and I'm afraid of that cold water zapping your strength or you cramping up. But I'll make you a deal... if you can do 10 laps in the pool by summers end I'll throw a party for you and 10 of your friends up at Sly Creek Lake."

I was still feeling very dejected, I mean 10 laps! He might as well of said a mile; because oh yeah those 10 laps was without a break. But my Dad saw real danger in permitting me to go to the lake that day, namely that he wouldn't be there and an inexperienced swimmer as I was could sink below the surface way too fast for any one to be able to save me save. I walked back home heavy of heart because I was going to miss the best time of my life, and my Dad was just being totally unfair! I mean I could swim, I wouldn't drowned...I was thoroughly convinced he just didn't want to be with my friends or have any fun. Seeing that I wasn't very happy Mom offered to take me to the pool, and I figured that doing that was better than nothing so off we went.

That day I was worn to a frazzle after 3 laps. Now I was sitting in a lounge chair at pool side feeling sure I would never be able to get to 10 laps in a row. I felt much the same way about my Internet efforts...I was never going to earn Money in affiliate marketing. Just then a woman who was the high school swim coach came up to me and asked me what was wrong, so I told her how I couldn't go to the lake with all of the other kids and how I never would be able to because I could only swim 2 laps.

She sat down and asked me if I'd be interested in her teaching me how to swim 10 continouse laps and more, my face lit up and I jumped off the chair and enthusiasticly asked, "would you?"

"Sure, she replyed, let's get started." So that's how I spent the rest of my summer, normally she would charge the parents, but she knew that I would be on her high school swim team so she saw it as an investment in her future swim team.

So here I am again, I want to start making a 5 figure income, but I have no idea as to how to be successful at affiliate marketing. But I'm confident that being here as a Premium Member of Wealthy Affiliates I will learn how it's done, because here I will have thousands of members as an expert knowledge base to draw from.

I hope you have enjoyed this blog.

Well until next time

Johnie M

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Sorry Johniem, I Forgot to mention it, I did follow you

That's fine I saw you in my network...I truly look forward to working with you

Good parable Johniem

I actually wanted to say more, but I got distracted and ended it too soon...but there's always a part 3 right? But I'm afraid of over doing it...I'd love your opinion, thanks again

I'm now following you could you return the favor?

great story

it highlights the importance of learning and growing into what we want to be!

all the best,

Thanks...I'm already trying to think up a part 3...if not I'll move onto something else.

sounds like it is time to learn how to swim those laps!

I'm now following you could you return the favor?

if we were face to face I would say "do I have to" with a twinkle in my eye!

all the best,

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