Timing is Everything!
In a golf swing, many times you will hear people say “slow down your swing”. The idea is if you slow down the speed or tempo of your swing you’ll be able to control the timing of your swing. “Tempo” is the speed at which you do something and “timing” is the order in which you do it.
This same concept is true in Internet marketing. Slowing down, thinking, and acting deliberately will help you gain control over what you are doing.
You may have heard people say a person is “running around like a chicken with its head cut off”. If you’ve ever raised chickens you know what that means. Generally, the meaning they’re trying to convey is that the person is moving very quickly and doing much activity, but is not really accomplishing anything. Doing much activity and doing it quickly doesn’t necessarily mean you’re accomplishing anything.
Just like practicing a golf swing, practice at internet marketing:
1. determine what you are trying to accomplish
2. determine a plan of action how you are going to accomplish it
3. work at an unhurried even pace (tempo)
4. you’ll accomplish more in a shorter period of time and more accurately (timing)
5. should you encounter a problem or a mistake, no problem
6. determine where the problem is
7. rework items 2 through 4 above
Spending lots of money is not necessarily going to help either. As in golf you can buy the best clubs, but if you apply the same poor swing you’re not going to play any better. You’re far better off to correctly practice your golf swing with your old clubs than to incorrectly practice with new clubs. Sure... if money is no object, do both!
Correctly practicing anything is the key to improvement. Simply doing the same wrong things over and over is not going to improve your golf swing (it will just make it permanent) nor will it improve your internet marketing business. Fortunately, this is where golf and your internet marketing business differ. Doing things wrong with your internet marketing business does not become ingrained. As soon as you change what you’re doing, better results will follow.
Recent Comments
I am with you on that. I will work on my profile aft work today. Just getting started here.
Love your post, John! Great information and instruction. I will use it. On an aside, we used to own chickens. When their head is cut off, their body still runs around for awhile. As a little girl, I actually saw it in action! Gross, huh?
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Thank you John.
Your welcome. Thanks for stopping by.