A new start

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This of course, is my first Blog here... I just started this adventure yesterday after doing the free training... I have zero experience in marketing, let alone internet marketing, but I'm willing to jump right in and learn... sort of a moldable piece of clay that in the hands of a skilled artist can become a beautiful piece of art... And even if that piece of clay just becomes a coffee cup or a third graders ash tray it has still evolved from what it used to be

As humans, we all have a desire to become something better than what we are today. Some people want this change to happen quickly and transform their lives into a whole different world. It my be to get out of the ghetto or ruts of life or to make millions and buy that boat, house or car that is the envy of everyone else.. For others they may just need a small change like more family time or a new refrigerator.

For me I am happy with the little changes.. I've never been a materialistic person and always try to live within my means... For most of my life I have had everything I needed to survive and grow a family of four.. Three Boys and one adopted daughter. Of course sometimes I do the crazy thing and pamper myself with "Want to Haves" but they are pretty far apart and I tend to concentrated on making sure my small world around me has what they need to thrive.

My plan with WA is to learn as much as I can, apply the principles and pass those along to my kids and grandsons.. If along the long road I can monetize my efforts and pamper myself and others with my efforts that would definitely be a bonus. With the incredible help from others I know this is a possibility.

All of my life I've been a Giver... so it's a difficult step to jump into the deep end and become a Taker... But I realize, with all of your help.. and willingness to Give, without judgement.. will lead me into the future to become a Giver again..

Here's to all of your success and I'm excited to be a part of this incredible family.


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Recent Comments


Nice post, John! Thanks for sharing!


Good luck to you. You got this all day long

Two days in and I’m already feeling the love...

We got you😉

Good luck to you we are in the same boat but the training is great and I know you will do very well.

You grab the right oar and I’ll grab the left...
Then we can row row row ourselves to success.
Thanks for reaching out...
I look forward to your friendship and mentorship

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