Just the facts Maam!

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That’s a quote from the old TV program Dragnet, by Sgt Jack Friday.

That’s a good mantra for us here at WA when we blog or post. Make sure you check the facts'. Many of us have posted things that may not have been totally accurate. Just make sure you research your post to be sure you have it as accurate as you can.

There may always be grey areas and someone may always disagree with you, but if you have done the research, publish it.

Take time to do the research.

  • Just when I think I'm smart, I meet someone smarter!
  • When I think I'm right, someone proves me wrong.
  • Everytime I write a blog, I am bound to get something wrong, or spell it wrong.
  • So much of that can be avoided by taking the time to research it. Google it!

Look under every rock!

  • Could be a snake, or a gold mine...take the risk and check the facts'.
  • Let me ask you a couple questions:
  • Who invented electricity? Ben Franklin, Thomas Edison, Nicola Tesla? Might be surprised.
  • The age-old discussion...who found America first? Interesting.
  • Tell me who invented the internet...Nicola Tesla or Al Gore? Could be wrong...Al was!

As the old expression goes, "there are two sides to every coin". It has also been said that if you put 2 politicians together you have 3 opinions...could be. Oh, give me a break, this is not a political statement!

I used to teach a class and one of my teaching methods was the rhetorical (question) method. Reason was to make you think and look it up for yourself. I have been accused of being controversial... I wear that coat proudly.

My dear mother was a school teacher. One thing she taught me that has stuck in my mind: "When you go in the school door, don't hang your brain on the door"!

Just the facts' ma'am.

Now, if someone challenges you or proves you wrong, take it like a gentle person (man or woman). Be respectful when you attempt to correct someone. You will notice some of us Ambassadors correct someone when they inadvertently put a link in their blog. We try to be gentle and not scold the person... I've done it myself!

Just back up your work with facts', as many as you can get.

Oh yes, enjoy the journey.


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Recent Comments


You are totally correct Joe. I agree with your idea. When we see back our past experience, what a nice, we remind, how we came here, time is pass quick, changes also same, quickly happen. that is the truth of the world.
Very interesting, "before going in school "don't hang your brain in the door"
I thank you to share with us

Thanks Sam

Thank you Joe. That is called responsible, credible writing. As a WA member, this should be our way. You impliedly put the point into another level. BE truly well researched because sometimes there are many versions of the 'fact'. Still, there is one truth. And this is what we should have -to the best of our knowledge and research. Thanks again, Joe.



Great article and good advice.

It's good that you want to check the facts but if searching the facts would have told you his name was Joe Friday and not Jack or is that what you intentionally wanted to do. Thanks Joe.

Aha...caught me. Senior moment. Thanks

Thank you Joe for sharing yet another informative post much appreciated.

Them is just the facts ma'am - Love it.



You are welcome Joe

Have a great week


State facts and be free from lies, conjectures, and presumptions.

That works!

One of my English teachers used to say "Don't assume you are right and know everything...do you know what happens when you assume? You make an A$% out of U and ME." Look at the spelling... I've always tried to remember to get my facts right and not assume...Great post as usual!
Thank you,

Thanks Gerri. Yes, assuming is dangerous!

Great reminder, Joe! Writing and having your 'stuff' out there for the world comes with responsibility. Thanks for sharing!


Yes, Joe, we are all human. While we need to do all the due diligence and then publish, there may still be things that are overlooked. A good attitude to accept correction and make changes may sometimes be necessary. Good thing is you can edit your blog so no reason not to correct the errors.

Right answer Stanley. Everyone makes misteks 🤭.
Most are avoidable, but they still creep in. Great reply.

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