The children were killed
We all dream of working from home and have the freedom to earn our living from the kitchen table, a home office, the lounge or even sitting under a duvet on a day when it's cold and miserable. There is however one real drawback and that is the exposure to what's happening on the TV that may be nearby and depending on the channel of your choice, you could be "drawn into" developments, like this terrible tragedy at the school in Newtown, Connecticut earlier today.
In fact, earlier today I heard there was a school shooting, but having just woken up, the sketchy detail slipped past me and I changed to a channel with music, no news. Later on we went for a walk and popped into Winn Dixie for bread and milk and a quick chat to the friendly staff, to arrive home and seeing the horror of what actually happened earlier on. That was was about 5 hours ago and I have since then felt numb, unable to really get into anything and hoping I make sense as I'm writing here, as I am so very, very sad.... Seeing the pictures of some of the parents and the horror on their faces....
To you, the reader, thanks for letting me pour out my soul.... do you mind to let me say..... let's make a new commitment to show a bit more love, a bit more patience, a bit more understanding and maybe do a random act of kindness more often. Does someone in our world perhaps need a word of kindness, a hug or just a smile...?
I wish you peace and love and thanks again for bearing with me... I trust, I know and I believe the peace of God can and will heal the many wounds that are so raw right at this moment.
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I'll vent a little here too: I was in the middle of feeding a 5 month old I watch when the news popped up, my daughter was in pre-k special ed, and my 4 yr old was playing, and the 2 yr old I watch was sleeping. It was so horrible, the details kept changing every few minutes. I wanted to cry, and did a little, but didn't want to scare the kids. I panicked a little b/c of my daughter not being at my side, even though this happened in a different state. My husband and I watched together when he arrived home. By evening the other children went back to their parents. We finally had to change the channels off news, no facebook, too much on it. As much sorrow as I felt for everyone in the town, parents, teachers, children and all the helpers (police, swat, emt's, etc), we had to put something lighter on for the children so mommy and daddy didn't look so sad. Now I only allow myself to watch clips at a time, and try not with my kids in the room. I pray all the time for everyone touched by this tragedy.
thanks for the blog, Joe, it just validates what most of us are feeling.
Thank you for reading and sharing... If nothing else, we have been all united for a while and then life will carry on. The heaviness will lift and we'll find our sense of humour and slowly and surely life will become normal again.. Thankfully, nothing lasts forever, except that 27 families in Newtown, CT will have one less at the table this Christmas and every future Christmas..... but life will carry on and we'll smile again. I have however changed the channel.....
Hi Steve, thanks for your comment.
I bet not you, nor me, would ever want to find out.....
Hey Joe, as a grandfather of 4, and a father of 5, I can't imagine the horror these people are going through. Yesterday, tears came to my eyes when I heard about the shooting and especially when I saw the picture of a mom who was screaming in pain. Where does a parent turn for healing? The overwhelming feeling of helplessness must be unbearable. I can hardly write these words right now because I feel their pain all over again. When I look at the picture of my youngest granddaughter who just turned 10 months, I see the pure innocence of her soul in her eyes of wonder. Honestly, I could not handle it if she were hurt in any way. For these people to endure a lifetime of remembering what could have been, and what used to be before their lives were torn apart by this senseless act, only God knows how they can ever be happy again. I pray for them that somehow they can move forward from this unspeakable tragedy, and I know that God will guide them and help them because these were God's children, as we all are.
I suppose our contribution can really only be to pray for them and send thoughts of love and respect... I sense your feelings and they run deep, my friend. and this is when you understand that having each other, even through this machine is so special. At least for a while, those three most powerful words will be said a lot more... yes, those simple words, when said with real meaning, mean so much... I love you... but let's not just say it.... live it!!
I couldn't agree with you more Joe. Such a terrible thing to just makes me feel sick. I, too, found out later on in the day and have been feeling so shocked and numb by this ever since. My thoughts and prayers go out to all of the families that have suffered through yesterday's tragedy.
Like you said, there needs to be more people willing to show patience and understanding to the others around them. Often, even just to smile at someone in passing by them at the store may just make their day a little brighter.
Thanks for the comment and let's just try to make the life of someone better, every day. I think you will often find it might even be the one you share your life with, in stead of someone "out there"...
All to often we drift along as dust in the wind, content with our lives and taking for granted those around us. Then, in and instant, we're smacked back into the reality of just how cruel/wicked this world of ours can be. Sad that the tragedies are what makes us look past ourselves and to the things that we take for granted.
Then, for a few moments...we consider what we should be doing for our fellow man and those around us. We see just how precious our children and loved ones truly are to us and shiver at the prospect of losing them in an instant.
After the moments are past, we drift back into our complacent lives, another tragedy looming just ahead of us, and soon we will be smacked back into this reality again. And so goes humanity.
A few will find that Jesus is the only hope in this world and for mankind and begin to live their lives making differences in the lives of those around them...Not just for the moment, but every day. May God bless those poor families.
Thanks for your kind words and is it not right here, where many who work alone and who may not be part of an office and a daily community gather... let's be the light, be the truth, be the joy..If I'm not, please remind me.
I do agree with you, for if we can show a bit more love and do a random act of kindness more often, it will be viral in no time cos love and kindness is contagious, may God comfort all those who have lost and all those who are in shock and very sad.
God will heal those wounds, as I am writing this I am just sick at what happen and I too wish that somehow I can take the pain away from those that are dealing with this. But only God can take that pain away. All we can do is pray for them and pray that there will be no more shootings like this again.
While I agree that what happened is tragic, I can not agree with relying on "God" to heal the pain. If "He" were truly standing by, such a situation wouldn't have happened in the first place.
I appreciate your comment. I'm sure the virtual hug we're giving each other in this manner already males a difference... for me, it did and want to to say the same to Melanie.... thanks again
Upon hearing the news this afternoon, I felt as if I would be sick. I just went outside and was so sad and felt so horrible. Now, I'm sitting here wondering how the hell I'm going to tell my eleven year old child this happened before he hears it at school this coming Monday. He's particularly sensitive for eleven, and I'm so upset I can't shield him from this. Thanks for posting this blog. I wish I could somehow take the pain away from those in Conn. that are directly dealing with this.
Thank you for your comment and I do believe that you will have the wisdom to tell him, don't try and fathom how and why... that's faith.
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I came across this and have decided to share it here. Now, there is some doubt as to whether Morgan Freeman actually stated this. However, none-the-less, I still find these words powerful and meaningful. It sums up my own personal thoughts well : "Morgan Freeman:
"You want to know why. This may sound cynical, but here's why.
It's because of the way the media reports it. Flip on the news and watch how we treat the Batman theater shooter and the Oregon mall shooter like celebrities. Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris are household names, but do you know the name of a single victim of Columbine? Disturbed
people who would otherwise just off themselves in their basements see the news and want to top it by doing something worse, and going out in a memorable way. Why a grade school? Why children? Because he'll be remembered as a horrible monster, instead of a sad nobody.
CNN's article says that if the body count "holds up", this will rank as the second deadliest shooting behind Virginia Tech, as if statistics somehow make one shooting worse than another. Then they post a video interview of third-graders for all the details of what they saw and heard while the shootings were happening. Fox News has plastered the killer's face on all their reports for hours. Any articles or news stories yet that focus on the victims and ignore the killer's identity? None that I've seen yet. Because they don't sell. So congratulations, sensationalist media, you've just lit the fire for someone to top this and knock off a day care center or a maternity ward next.
You can help by forgetting you ever read this man's name, and remembering the name of at least one victim. You can help by donating to mental health research instead of pointing to gun control as the problem. You can help by turning off the news."
Thanks for the comment. I have already decided your last sentence is the way to go....