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What the heck is going on with my momey!

If you were born in the earily 50's and in the mid 60,s and were able to get a drivers license, I am sure you can remember when gas was running about .28-.30 cents a gallon. At the ice cream shops a very large scope was around .10 cents. In 1973-74 there was a gas shortage in Calf. and gas hit .50 cents and I thought the gas companys were out to kill us. Look at us now in this time. We have paid in some areas over $5.00's. Now I get paid a lot more money for my work. But at end of the month still in the same shape as the start. We do get to go out and eat where we want, there is no car payment. We did pay cash for our house and got a really great deal. We financed the house to take care of insurance and taxes for 30 years, and what we pay for the house is very low. We did this because we are in our late 60's and when one of us leaves on the mother ship the other will have a place to live. Now that is why I am here today to say I am trying WA. We need an income that does not require me to lift, nail, carry, install anything. I am trying to do this now. I am still able to do the work but would like to enjoy my life a little more. My site is ranked. Its not pretty, content lacks a lot. There is just the basic stuff. I have plans to do an upgraded site. I have my own domain name and hope to build on that. We get 25 sites and I have 24 to go and a lot to learn. I have been in WA for two years now and for the first year did nothing. DON'T be a Jimmy and put this off. I now get up at 5, work 3 hours on WA then out the door to make the money we need to stay alive. I am hoping to be able to get to the point of getting up at 5 working WA get out the door and do what ever i want for the rest of the day. All I can say is that I wish I had started this about 10 years ago, just think about it if you start today where will you be. Will you be a JIMMY or the Jimmy that got to retire early. Its all here, use it , live it, make it happen. Only you can do this. The MONEY is right here, you just need work for it. So stop being Me and get to work. This is my first blog please don't hold back I am a big boy I have been yeld at by the best, MOM,WIFE do I need too say more! So Thank You Jimmy

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Very nice, James! Thanks for sharing! I was a Jimmy and goofed off for almost 2 years--I'm a little more serious about things now!


Great start James (gotta love that name LoL) The one thing I would say is that one paragraph would be easier reading if it were 4 or 5 paragraphs.

Large blocks of text are quite confronting for people and don’t be shy of putting in an image or two.

But the content is great it is a great conversational story well done you keep doing it🧐

Its going to be a long road for me but I have made it this far, looking at it now yelp could have broken it up some. Thank You

No worries thats minor stuff fixed instantly you have the basics of good writing and thats gold dust right there🧐

I think I did ok for my 1st blog. Tell me what I need to make it better so I can make it better.

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