8 Years At WA! Best Year Yet!

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Wow how time flies. I'm coming up on my 8 years since joining WA!

Over the years, I've experienced both successes and challenges, explored different paths, but I'm proud to say that I've finally found my lane and enjoy what I do. The past year has been incredibly rewarding as I've hit many goals that were set years ago.

Though I may not be as active in the community, I utilize WA daily, leveraging its tools and training. Our average monthly revenue has hit $15,000, and I'm determined to double it in the coming year.

None of this happened overnight.

Keep grinding, stay focused.

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Hi. I'm from Serbia. I hope that isn't a problem. What i mean is i hope people from every country can to do this.
Anywhay, financial problems forced me to find adicional source of income and i would like to start a blog about movies and tv shows where i will write rewievs, interesting facts and news from the world of film making. I didn't said that my knowledge about technology is not something i am pride. Can i do this with WA and how can i "sell" products which are conected with this niche?
Also, my blog should be for Serbia on my language or for any country on english

I would not advise the news initially because it would be old by the time they get indexed and ranked.

However, it sounds like a great direction, needing a defined audience that would benefit most from your offer.

Programs you can promote include

Streaming platforms (e.g., Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max).
DVD/Blu-ray sales (e.g., Amazon, Best Buy).
Movie & TV show merchandise (T-shirts, posters, toys).
Movie tickets (e.g., Fandango, Atom Tickets).
Collectibles and memorabilia.
Movie soundtracks & related music.
Movie-themed video games.
Film-making equipment and software.
Subscription boxes (e.g., Loot Crate).
Film and TV magazine subscriptions.

I would advise starting with the core training step by step at your own pace. If your focus is Serbian, and you're doing local marketing, then yeah. Otherwise, English is global.

I hope this helps.

that sounds like a great niche to share with family.

Thank you so much for your transparency... It was a definite breath of fresh air!
Because I kept grinding is how I ended up here... lol Now I will stay focused to make sure this step is lucratively abundant. TO ANOTHER 8 BLESSED YEARS!!!
Thanks for being obedient. Your entry is a part of my confirmation. Ase' #AMNB

Congrats!! August marks my 8-year anniversary at WA as well. I love my business and consider myself successful, but I'm not earning anywhere near $15,000 per month! Secrets, please.... :)

Seriously, congratulations. I know what you mean when you said "I've hit many goals that were set years ago." I don't know if anyone else is way quicker than me, but it also took "years" for me to really get my processes consistent and effective. These 8 years have been thrillng!! Debra

I agree! These are lifelong skills that can be used for many different things in today's age.

Congrats. 8 years and an average of 15k per month. That's inspiring. So, with almost a decade down what would you say is the most significant change In this industry? How about the least significant change - if anything

Wahoo. !, Wahoo!! This is fantastic. What an accomplishment. I Celebrate you Jason. Thank you so much for sharing your Success with us. . You are a Star ⭐️. There is hope for Newbies , like us. The young shall grow. You are an inspiration. I pray your dreams and goals of doubling will come to pass very quickly. May Joy , happiness, and great success continue to locate you and each and everyone of us at WA.. You are an Hero! Keep up the good works, 💃🍾🍾🍸💃🥁💃🎷💃🎖💃🏆. LadyD2

Hi Jason,

Wow, how incredible is that?

Congratulations on finding your lane and genuinely enjoying what you do now.

The past year sounds like it has been exceptionally rewarding for you.

Hitting those goals that were set years ago must have felt incredibly fulfilling. It's a testament to your hard work and dedication.

All the best!


Congratulations Jason 8 years is a milestone in it self . With lots of determination for success which you have achieved.

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