About Jhean16
Rank 64199
150 followers Joined March 2017
Hello! My name is Jhean. I am currently a freshman at college. I am studying Psychology and Sociology. I was born and raised at a





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asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey guys, so I've been trying to get my website verified by google. I'm using the siterubix before I get my own domain but i've been struggling to figure that out. How do i get

Bob is onto it...follow him...

If you have the All in One SEO plugin activated on your site, that's the easiest way to do the google verification.

Copy the verification code from google. Copy only the characters *between* the quotation marks. (Including the quotation mark on either end will keep the verification from working.)

I can't get logged into my sites right now so I'll have to go by memory:

Open All in One settings page and scroll down. Near the bottom, you'll find the verification codes section. Paste the verification code into the webmaster tools entry box. Go all the way to the bottom of the page and click on Save.

Added steps with pictures:
Open All in One General Settings page (#1 below)

Scroll down and enter code (#2 below)

Scroll all the way to the bottom and update settings (#3 below)

for what do you mean? API or for adsense? or do you mean indexed? Usually the verification codes Google asks to be put into the header of your home page.

Howwhere do I put the html google verification for site?

Howwhere do I put the html google verification for site?

asked in
Website Development & Programming

Hey guys, so I've been trying to get my website verified by google. I'm using the siterubix before I get my own domain but i've been struggling to figure that out. How do i get

Bob is onto it...follow him...

If you have the All in One SEO plugin activated on your site, that's the easiest way to do the google verification.

Copy the verification code from google. Copy only the characters *between* the quotation marks. (Including the quotation mark on either end will keep the verification from working.)

I can't get logged into my sites right now so I'll have to go by memory:

Open All in One settings page and scroll down. Near the bottom, you'll find the verification codes section. Paste the verification code into the webmaster tools entry box. Go all the way to the bottom of the page and click on Save.

Added steps with pictures:
Open All in One General Settings page (#1 below)

Scroll down and enter code (#2 below)

Scroll all the way to the bottom and update settings (#3 below)

for what do you mean? API or for adsense? or do you mean indexed? Usually the verification codes Google asks to be put into the header of your home page.

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