Become a premium member
Ohhh, glad to be here and being a premium member. Hope I could become a outstanding online marketer :P
Ummm I have a question, how to reach a high member ranking???
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Hi Jesse and congratulations on becoming a premium member. A great decision as there is so much to learn and benefit from being a premium member.
With regarding to reaching a high member ranking, you simply need to interact in the community. Comment on posts, blogs, answer questions if you are able and generally participate wherever possible.
Kyle does actually go into this in a bit more detail at the end of course 2.
I have only been here 3 weeks and I have already achieved a ranking of 143
Thanks for your nice reply. I just set up my website. But till not I am not too sure that how to earn money here LOL.
Anyway, pls visit my page which I create for my lovely cat.
Don't worry about making money just yet. The lessons take you through building your site, creating content, working on your ranking, getting traffic... then you get to the monetization. No point in trying to make money before you have good content and traffic.
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Fast and good decision Jesse. Welcome.
Member ranking says nothing about your success as an online marketer so don't get too distracted by it. For details click the blue Rank button at the top and look here:
Thank you Rob :)
Thanks for posting this link Rob, I'd not read it before