Short Story


Today, I decided to start blogging. People feel that when I say that I work from home, that equates to me being available at anytime. Yeah okay, yall made that up. I am trying to figure out this passive income strategy and free up some time, while stacking my coins. But im terrified to put it all on the line, cold turkey. So I have to maneuver through this transition of being employed vs being my own employer. I work from 7-4 writing contracts, I have a husband-to-be who is a freight truck driver. I can't fathom the energy to even THINK of having a wedding right now. There is just... anyways, back to him. This is a Harley man yall, Regional club President, btw. He's kind of a big deal. At least too me he is. 🥰

Between the 2 of us we have 8 kids. 7 boys and 1 girl. Ages 10-27. Only 1 lives with us year round. Our daughter. She turns 18 in 2 days! We've got two dogs Gordo and Brody... Im telling you all the things that require a great deal of my time and attention. I hope you can possibly even tell me where to cut back.

I know once I get comfortable with generating content I will be successful at it and I will no longer need to be stretched for time. I can not wait to be able to live worry free - financially. Money does not solve everything but it solves a hell of a lot!!! This was fun... Follow me to see what crazy antics occur with our kids, dogs or maybe I'll tell you about our precious neighbor who stole our water to fill her 12,000 gallon pool and refuses to pay the bill. What is wrong with people? That was rhetorical, so don't answer that. Got to go surprise the Mr. with some dinner.

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Recent Comments


You sound like you have a very full plate. Take it a step at a time. You’ll get to where you want to go. Keep succeeding!


Very awesome, indeed, Jennifer! You sound awesome, and my wish for you here is massive success!


Thank you for sharing your thoughts. However, taking action is the actual way to eliminate fear. Slowly, slowly, you'd build up the momentum.

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