My Progress at the one week mark
I've found the training here to be very enjoyable, and I've tried my best to complete the steps as presented. I jumped ahead a bit on things, but I've recently learned to slow down and take things one at a time.
So...on day two or three I was convinced this was the place for me, and became premium. I ran with a niche, which is somewhat quirky, but something I've battle all my life here in Louisiana,... mosquitoes. Traps and things that repel or control them. They love to bite me, I hate em, and anything I can do to promote controlling them outside of running around with a flamethrower... I'm all for it. I have other niche interests I'll purse later, but I'm running with this one. Bring the mosquito Armageddon on!
Bought a domain related to that one, plus a few others, for other ideas. I've done website work for other folks over the years, and brought those sites over as well. Had no idea hosting was included in the price here! It's almost the same price as my old hosting.
Haven't used Wordpress all that much before, but finding I enjoy it, and trying hard to keep my hands away from editing CSS until I learn more about the software, plugins and the like. Plugin concept scares me, but I'm willing to learn. I want to pretty it up.
I've been amazed how fast my site from a week ago is already showing up on google and showing some engagement. Unreal. This stuff works here.
In the next 3 months and beyond I want to follow everything to a tee, and just beat this thing with a hammer for all it's worth.
I took the time to post this, cause the training said to. I'm learning to be more social, and promise I'll start posting not because I'm being told to. I can learn.
Recent Comments
Hi, Jay looks like you are starting to get into it, the premium membership does have some really good resources added into it. You have got it follow the training and implement what we learn. All the best for the next three months and beyond.