My Ideas About Affiliate Marketing!
My first curious idea is to ask the community about creating multiple websites on WordPress. See, my premium trial will expire in 6 days or so. Then, as a regular member, I could only create two websites on WA. Currently, I can't cash out 50$ for a premium, and, as of now, I am bumped to realize that I can't put out mutiple niche websites through WA. So what do yout think about this solo journey, and is WordPress a good place to start?
Now, I want you to have a look at my other ideas concerning niches in affilate marketing:
1) Snacks (including refreshments) for people and pets
2) Dental care
3) Sleep care
4) Self-care in the form of destressing
I slept on it, and these are the ideas I feel excited to form a niche about. I espcially like dentail care and sleep care advertising products.
Despite my want to depature from WA for now, I might hopefully come back in the future when a premium is within my reach! I kindly request help and suggestions for my career path in affiliate marketing!
Recent Comments
I think that all four niches are good. Sleep care is a good one, many people seem to be suffering from insomnia or stressful conditions that can lead to insomnia. So, sleepcare should be a good niche in this hectic world.
Thx! What my first idea revolving around the question of blogging and affiliate marketing?
Considering my free-trial premium is running out soon, would you think wix or wordpress are good alternatives to blogging and affiliate marketing?
I don't have much experience with Wix. I tried it out a few years ago and didn't know very well how to set up my website there, so I can't give you any advice here. I would prefer Wordpress, but maybe someone with more experience can give you a better answer.