This is the Story Today and for Most Days
Well dear friends of WA, I hope I have your ear at this time, or eyes for that matter now that we are on the net and not on the phone, or on facetime, or zoom!
You know these days are now so different, with the phone not ringing, oh yes, the spammers...the phone does ring. Haha! Lately I have been really thinking about how we can connect more "authentically" again in the world. Not to say that writing is not a great way to connect, but there are some things missing in the way we connect personally these days. Do we talk on the phone much anymore? Does your phone ring as much as your messages vibrate or ding on your phone or devices? How many spammers call you a day compared to how many friends call, or personal calls you make a day? Can we talk about this?
Well, I for one, being a Vocal Coach and "Sound" healing practitioner, I like hearing your voice. I like hearing and connecting with the voices of my loved ones, and my friends...Is it really that we do not have enough time? Or have our worlds gotten smaller? Yes I think that's it. We have replaced the need for personal interaction, connection with playing games on the internet, going on fb and browsing, oh and of course the things that we have to do, work and all the extra things we do day in and day out.
But a phone call only takes a moment to dial, you just tap the number, to call or to call someone back. People need connection, they need voice to voice connection.
I put the task to you today, Reach out and Call someone today! If you don't reach them, try again, and see how they are doing. Believe me, it will make a difference in their day and YOURS.
Ciao for now. Keep well, and keep connecting.
Jana Szabo
Recent Comments
Great post Jana.
I agree people need to learn to reconnect once more face to face.
Taking a quick time out away from the screen and making an effort to call a loved one or a friend you haven't heard from in a while, is important.
I even make a habit of it to walk outside and get some fresh air as well at the same time.
It is important to make that call and ask "Are you ok?"
It can really make someone's day :)
Thank you for your earnest response MsMela...I really appreciate you taking the time to read the blog and respond. Gratzi!
You're welcome :)