Progress Thus Far
Well, I haven't made my millions yet:) Just kidding. I didn't expect to. I haven't made one cent yet for that matter. But I realize it's a long process and didn't expect results overnight!
I have worked on and off as much as I can on my website ( I'm only at the end of the second course now, so not that much to really write home about. I've just got a few pages and a few posts done already.
It's been a slow start, but I know I will get there eventually! I am still proud of what little I have accomplished because I sure would never have believed I'd be doing this at all!
I'm trying to tell myself to be less perfect and just get more done. That's never been easy for me. So I will attempt this!
I chose the omega theme because I had no idea what to choose at all and that's just what Kyle went with. I don't know if this will work out or should I change it later on. I don't know how, so I don't want to mess things up just yet!
I have had some difficulty with adding images where I want them. They never seem to go where I want them. I end up adding an image, then removing, and then repositioning it. I can do that over and over to the point of frustration.
Also this morning just finally got resizing a featured image down. Thank God! That was bugging me. Still don't have a header image. That's not working out and bugging me to death! Anyone have the omega theme and figured out a normal looking/size header image?????? If so, please share.
I would really like to make my site less BLAH looking. I'm just not sure how to do that. Besides the adding media thing in the lessons, nothing else has been instructed thus far on HOW to do this. I don't know if it's in further lessons or maybe I just have a theme doesn't want to be pretty:) I don't know really. Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if anyone is working with the omega theme! Thanks.
Well, I have a GREAT deal to work on. I'm probably going a lot slower at it than most. I have way too much going on in my personal life to give my site the attention I would like to. But I am doing the best I can considering what a balancing act my life is right now!
Recent Comments
Wow, your website is looking great Jamie. I can honestly say that being in just a few months, you have accomplished a lot and you should be proud of your success thus far.
Success is not just money, it if was the journey in business would be very discouraged and very unfulfilling. Rather, you are doing a brilliant job of building out your website and content, learning the fundamentals of getting ranked, and building something of substance.
Kudos to you on your hard work thus far, you are doing great!
Thank you for the encouragement. I feel like I've went an inch in a mile long race. But I know it all takes time:)
I'm proud of your progress! is my main site. Far from perfect but you're right it doesn't have to be so soon!
Thank you! I think all the work in the beginning is really the hardest to get through and learn so much!
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Doing great!
Thank you!