Battling on my journey at WA
Ok so I'm supposed to document my progress so far and give myself a pat on the back for getting to this point but honestly it feels more like i need a good kick up the posterior.Between having to go away for 2 months and my other responsibilities ,the occasional blackout and now we are in the thunder storm season and half the time we have to unplug to avoid power surges (had three episodes), it has been pretty slow progress . This means I have to constantly update to refresh myself on the training and this takes time.Sounds like I am looking for excuses to throw in the towel but that is the last thing I want to do.WA has been a challenge for me on many fronts ,firstly writing and technical abilities are my weak points,I am mostly a introverted and very private person and find it a challenge to put myself out there.So to me WA is more than a opportunity to eventually making money which is my ultimate goal ,but is a also a challenge to rise above my myself on many fronts to boost my abilities and self esteem ,to learn and grow in all the aspects pertaining to WA success.I never foresaw all these obstacles but I will treat them as another stepping stone to overcome self and strive to succeed but I could do with some comments and advice.If it takes too long to monetise should one consider calling it a day ?????????
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I say work at your own pace. I'm not concerned whether others are progressing faster than I am or not , and there are some that are. I'm focused on my goals not theirs. So hang in there Ivo, you'll get there.
Thanks Gaylene for your kind advice and interest.