A happy dance
A happy dance..
Soooo, I just did a small happy dance today.
Well the day before yesterday I decided to start all over again. To get rid of the fear that made me feel like I couldn't do it, the fear that I wasn't good enough etc. etc..
That fear was so big that made me stop working on my old sites.
But.... now I'm back and happy to say that after almost the whole day yesterday, trying to understand the google console thingy I today got a notice that (although I just started my page) it got indexed.
Let's do this, now I'm ready for the next parts of the training ........ :-)
Recent Comments
Hey Iris,
Tanks for fighting your fear and not letting it cripple you. Because in the end..." if you are sparring with fear and you let fear knock you down, you will have lost to a non-existent opponent"-Jane
Congratulation! It is a big step forward when you fight your fears! Keep pushing and remember you have an entire community stand as your support!
Well done. It gives me courage to have a go at it too. Thank you.