How Do You Prioritize?
Hey guys and gals! As you know, I'm new at this and I'm juggling the rest of life as well. I want to make sure that as far as my website goes, I am making the best use of my time. I would love to know how the rest of you prioritize your site and WA related tasks!
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I give my up most if you want it then you have to work it I have always lived by my own philosophy, if you want something you can have it but go get it because no one is going to bring it to you!!
If it was up to me, my website is my top priority. It depends on what make you more money for you and your family. Right now both of my job making me more money. I want to get my bankruptcy over with. That's my priority right now. I do not things to happen this like last year. I just moved in my new place.
I am in the fortunate position of being retired. That means I don't have young children to worry about and a job to take up my time.
I am spending every available hour working through the Certification and Affiliate Bootcamp lessons.
I am listening to webcasts and watching archived webcasts.
I am not trying to juggle child care, a job and WA.
I am just focussed on learning everything I can at WA.
I find myself flipping back and forth between working on my websites and then going back to the lessons.
I have convinced myself that as long as I am participating and working on some aspect of WA, I can't go wrong!
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...don't know so much about "prioritize"...but I DO know about ORGANIZE...and the two are VERY different..."prioritize" is YOU centered...whereas "organize" appeals to a more external and universal sense of moving from some place to another with a more broadened goal...
Organize may be more what I mean. When I am limited on time, I want to make sure I am taking care of the most important things first and foremost - but being so new, I have yet to sort out what those are. I have read about the impotance of consistency with whichever tasks you assign yourself.