My 5th Month with WA

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Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to share some of my journey here in WA so far. I had double thoughts of writing out this blog, as naturally I am quiet and an introvert. But I am sure there are many people who are out there who is the same and needs some help or motivation. And I hope my simple thoughts and experiences typed out here will help.

And I am writing today because WA training and the beautiful people inside WA have helped in many ways. I am braver today and the information I carry had made me an important person in the group of people I mix with. I have even started out a business training plan and it is almost completed. Whether it will monetize or not is not important but the process and the learning I go through is invaluable.

This person who I am helping out is a 64-year-old guy who had never seen success in his life but he is person full of knowledge in his field and I am helping to bridge his expertise to those who needs them. I have brought life into this person and this is a wonderful feeling. Hope this project will work out for both of us.

Before I joined WA I had some bad experiences, there are not many honest people out there. Of course, they want to earn money but they have to give quality information and guidance for what they have charged. Anyway just another experience.

My journey here so far is so wonderful, I have learned a lot which I never dreamt off. I have gained enough knowledge to understand what's happening in the internet business world. Countless opportunities are waiting for those who continuously thrive. I have so many ideas until I do not know exactly which to go for but I do not want to be off tracked. I will stick to WA training first, be confident and then go into the journey of your choice.

For those who are starting out, the information you are going to receive here in WA is a lot and I mean a lot. But tackle each subject or items slowly. There is nothing to prove or chase. Just take your time to learn and practice each lesson's given. Over time, you will get the hang of it and believe me you will start breathing again.

For those who cannot write, just start writing and it will naturally flow. Use your dictionary, google some on writing helps, how others write, copy a bit, put it on your own words and you will realize how easy it is.

My goals always is to help people in any way I can and I need to have all the knowledge. But with the work we do, money will start coming in but that is secondary.

Hope I had poured out something which is going to be useful and I am going to stick to this career

Thanks for reading and hope at least one person who have double thoughts find this article helpful.

Be well and a successful journey to everyone.



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Recent Comments


Love your story, thanks for sharing. It has been a pleasure to get to know you thus far and and I really do look forward to working with you moving forward. :)

Thank you

You are such a practical person, i believe all WA members must follow your way. Thanks.

Thank you

I like your thoughts and your attitude. Good luck with your business.

Thank you

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