Balance Your Blog and Family Life.

blog cover image

Hello, I have been a member of Wealthy Affiliate for a few years now. During that time I have come across many, like myself that are parents with young children or teenagers who are also trying to start an online business,

If you relate to this, you know all too well that time is a gift we can't afford to waste. Between the school drop-offs and the never-ending pile of laundry, finding a moment to just breathe can feel like a luxury.

Both family life and business demand creativity, patience, and a sprinkle of magic. With a little help from digital tools and the supportive community here at Wealthy Affiliate, it’s possible to find that balance where passion meets productivity.

With this in mind I would like to share some digital tools that have given me a few of those precious moments back. Not too many or a long list, as I know your time is precious and would then just be a greater distraction.

Firstly: What Do You Really Need?

So before we take a look at digital tools, think about what's eating up your time?

Is it the endless tasks, keeping up with creating content, or maybe the social media merry-go-round?

Or is it engaging with your ever-growing readership, or maybe the technical aspects of website design and management?

Knowing what your biggest time thieves are is your first step towards freedom.

Answering those questions will help you to design your toolkit.

Content Creation: Your Digital PA

Imagine a world where your tasks manage themselves, and you never miss out on life's big moments. That's what a good task management tool feels like.

Writing content that resonates is essential for success with blogging. Keeping the ideas flowing and publishing posts without burning out is the ongoing battle many face.

Here are a few examples - I am not affiliated with any of these, they are just tools I have come across.

  • Evernote, SmartNote or Google Docs for quickly capturing those moments of inspiration amidst the family hustle.
  • Trello or Asana for mapping out your blogging calendar, ensuring a steady stream of content without last-minute panics.
  • Todoist keeps those day-to-day tasks in line.

Engaging and Growing Your Tribe

Creating a community around your blog isn’t just rewarding; it’s essential. Here’s how to maintain those connections without it taking over your life:

  • Mailchimp or ConvertKit for keeping in touch with your readers through newsletters with a range of themes to choose from.
  • HubSpot keeps all your ideas, sales and conversations in one easy spot.

Balancing Blogging with Parenthood

  • Batch Your Blog Work: Dedicate specific days for writing, editing, and scheduling.
  • Working smarter, not harder.
  • Digital Detox: Regularly unplug to recharge and reconnect with your family. Your blog and your well-being will thank you.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

  • Don't get bogged down with too many tools; it's like having too many cooks in the kitchen.
  • Make sure new tools aren't just old tools in disguise. Every tool

Time Management Strategies

  • Try the Pomodoro Technique for focused work bursts.
  • Block out time for work, family, and you. Yes, you deserve time too!

Social Media: Keeping It Real and Relatable

Sharing your parenting and blogging adventures on social media can significantly boost your blog's reach:

  • Buffer or Hootsuite for managing your social media presence efficiently, allowing more time for playdates and family time.

Learning and Growing Together

  • Wealthy Affiliate Community: where you can share, learn, and grow. However, set time limits on this to help reduce distraction and to keep you focussed.
  • YouTube or Skillshare, for tutorials on using blogging and digital tools

Encouragement for Self-Care

  • Remember, it's not just about saving time; it's about creating time for what matters. Even a quick cuppa in peace counts.
  • Schedule a digital detox. Unplug to recharge your batteries and connect with those who matter most.

Final Thoughts.

Being a parent blogger is no easy task. It’s important that the worlds of parenting and blogging work and compliment each other. A few digital tools and the support from Wealthy Affiliate, you can thrive, without it feeling overwhelming and a constant jugglecreating content that inspires, and building a blog that not only reflects your journey but also supports your family.

Here’s to calming the chaos, celebrating the small wins, and making every blog post (and family moment) count!

I encourage you to share your own tips, tools, and tales in the comments below. Whether it's a digital tool that's changed the game for you, a time management trick that works wonders, or a story of how you've managed to balance the blogging and parenting world, I would love to hear them all.

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Recent Comments


Thanks for the information!

Great post, Tracy! 👍👍

AI has helped me free up quite a bit of time, mostly WA HUBS and my ChatGPT4 account.

Spending time with my wife and playing guitar every chance I get is my digital detox. 😎

Frank 🎸

Thanks Frank. I am in agreement with you. HUBS has been a great time management tool. Making time for your digital detox is so important. Thanks for reading and for your comment.

Keep rocking it

You're welcome, Tracy. 😎

Frank 🤘🎸

That is definitely a delicate balancing act, Tracy! Time is finite!


Thanks Jeff. It really is so precious!

It is our scarcest resource!

May I ask how you achieved that light grey section with the image inside your blog post? How do you align it internally?

Same! It’s a beautiful post visually! 🥰
Seems like we could use a quick tutorial Tracy! Hint Hint
Please 🙏

Hi Abie - do you mean where the text says Being a parent blogger is no easy task... ? That is using the " option in the blog editor here when you create a WA blog - next to the H2 and H3 options. Just select the text and hit that option and it shows as a quote.

The other images in this post are just Canva templates. Let me know if you need any more clarity on this explanation?


Hi Holly - do you mean where the text says Being a parent blogger is no easy task... ? That is using the " option in the blog editor here when you create a WA blog - next to the H2 and H3 options. Just select the text and hit that option and it shows as a quote.

The other images in this post are just Canva templates. Let me know if you need any more clarity on this explanation?


Thank you 👍

That's awesome, Tracy! I'll have to try it. I appreciate the clarification.

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