Dictation can help the worst of us!
Not sure whether this will help anyone but I'm going to put it out there!
As a high school drop out I think everyone expects a standard associated with that level.
At high school I failed English ! English when I was at high school consisted of spelling, punctuation, story writing and class presentations (public speaking), which I hated and just couldn't do.
Something I heard/read or imagined in my first few lessons with creating content was "say it like you are telling someone your story". This got me thinking,"Say it like you are telling a story".
The first thing I thought of was dictation. On the IPhone there are many apps available and I'm guessing it's the same with android phones .
The best free dictation program/app that I have found is Google Docs website. Go to "Tools" and select "Voice typing" in the drop down menu (you must have a microphone available. PC or Laptop)
Find a quiet place and start talking..........literally....GO!
It isn't totally accurate, but it has made my writing a heap easier.
Even if you only use a dictation app for ideas, I can highly recommend it .
Keep everything simple and don't over think it.
Cheers Matt
Recent Comments
Great post and thank you for sharing the information I am going to have to look into that good idea.
I had thought about getting Dragon Naturally Speaking. I wonder if it is any better than Google Docs?