Motivation! What's yours?
We are all here for pretty similar reasons, financial, love of what we do etc. But, occasionally we can all hit a brick wall, or feel like results aren't coming quick enough. Thankfully this hasn't happened for me as I have been through the slow start with other businesses I have.
What is it that keeps you going when you hit a barrier? I've read a lot about people giving up right before things are about to take off, so what is it that makes you persevere and wait for that first sale to happen?
Mine is a mix of the WA Community (you're all fab!!) and sheer determination (I'm like it with everything). What's yours?
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The sheer frustration from an overly competitive job market. I'm employed, but I've been looking for work out of state since September 2014.
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Thankfully for me, it that feeling in my gut that never goes away, the feeling that I should be doing more... The inner voice in telling me your not getting any younger, stop playing and follow through on your dreams, is always ringing my ears, so I take another step.
Same here, lol.
I know exactly what you mean! Good luck taking those next steps :)