Jaaxy's Search Analysis Feature - have you used it?

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Jaaxy keeps on giving!

Recently, another member recommended the Using Jaaxy Like a Boss (wealthyaffiliate.com) training from Jay (unfortunately, I can't remember who it was so I apologize for not crediting them).

As I am just starting again on my bootcamp website I decided to take a look to see how I can improve my keyword research.

I was amazed that halfway through the seminar Jay mentioned a feature of Jaaxy that I hadn't even known existed despite the fact that its link is sitting there looking at me on the second menu down.

This is the search analysis feature which provides very useful information about a competitor's post that is ranking for a certain keyword.

My own search analysis

Today, I did a quick analysis of the last post I published by entering the keyword 'how often should you post to your blog' which is the keyword phrase I used for the article.

The results for Google are shown in the screenshot above. You can also do further searches for Yahoo and Bing.

As you can see you not only get to see who is ranking highest for your keyword but by pressing the show details button you also get to see the word count, links on the site (how many external and internal links there are on the page), backlinks (how many sites link to the site), alexa rank and whether the site is using adsense.

Word Count

To me the word count is a useful guide of how much I will need to write to stand a chance of ranking. However, this is not the only number that is important. As you can see the second result only has a word count of 144 but it is the authority site blog.hubspot.com and it has
3,580,000 backlinks and an alexa ranking of 561 which explains why it is ranking so highly!

The two sites in position 1 and 3 have word counts of over 4,000 and my post is just under 1,000. Looks like I might need to take another look at my post!

Does everybody else use the search analysis feature and do you find it useful?


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Yeah Jaxxy is like a big jewel in our WA treasure box that doesn't get the credit it deserves. But when you use it well it delivers.

Hi Hugh, yes Jaaxy is an awesome tool and it is so useful to have it in the WA package.


Couldn't have said it better than that Hazel.

I always use that feature. It gives an edge to what my competitors keywords and word length

I think I was the one who recommended watching Jay's Jay's training on Jaaxy

Yes, you were Simone so thanks very much for that as it was well worth my time watching the training.

It definitely does give you an edge and I will certainly being using it in the future.

Thanks again,

Oh, Hazel, it certainly does give an edge and more

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