fixing the world


posted by GODSTRONG

on 22/06/2021.

With this list of the worlds top problems ranging from;

  1. Armed Conflict
  2. Chronic Disease
  3. Education
  4. Infectious Disease
  5. Population Growth
  6. Biodiversity
  7. Climate Change
  8. Hunger and Malnutrition
  9. Natural Disasters
  10. Water and Sanitation

the world leaders at the U.N. Sustainable Development Summit adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in Sept. 2015. On Jan. 1, 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the eight Millennium Development Goals of 2015.

The new 17 SDGs were to:

  1. End poverty
  2. End hunger and improve nutrition and sustainable agriculture
  3. Promote well being for all ages
  4. Ensure equitable and quality education
  5. Achieve gender equality
  6. Ensure water and sanitation for all
  7. Ensure access to modern energy for all
  8. Promote sustainable economic growth and productive employment
  9. Build resilient and innovative infrastructure
  10. Reduce inequality
  11. Make settlements safe, resilient and sustainable
  12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  13. Take urgent action to combat climate change
  14. Conserve and sustainably use Earth’s water
  15. Promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and forests, and halt and reverse land degradation and biodiversity loss
  16. Promote peaceful societies, provide access to justice and build effective, accountable institutions
  17. Implement and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development


Reading and making my research on these 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) replaced the eight Millennium Development Goals of 2015. viewing item 16 on the promotion of peaceful societies, I said to myself, "IF WE FIX THE CHILDREN, WE MUST HAVE SUCCEEDED IN FIXING A PEACEFUL SOCIETY".


A certain man was given the task of 'where to start if we have to fix the world'. he decided to take a vacation with his little son to a solitary environment so he can research.

the presence of his little boy can only lead to distractions as the poor boy kept playing. the father would demand he stay quiet, yet the boy needed something doing. the father got lucky immediately he kept his son busy like the ant when he tore a copy of the map of the world and threw it on his child to fix as a way to keeping him distracted from distracting him.

the father watched the son and smiled, for he knew it would be difficult for a child to fix the map of the world torn apart. this assignment became so difficult for the boy. On a second thought, the boy realized a picture of a child at the back of the torn map and concentrated on fixing the picture of the boy other than the sophisticated map. In no time, the boy shouted in excitement "I have fixed the world". the father surprisingly asked "how ?", the boy answered, "FIX THE CHILD AND YOU HAVE FIXED THE WORLD".

It was based on this principle that the man presented his report that "FIXING THE WORLD DEMANDS FIXING THE CHILD FIRST".

I believed that on this principle, the items numbered 1 to 17 above can be achieved in a reduced time, finance, and other resources.

what do you think? comments, likes, share and suggestions will be my pleasure.

thanks all and be my guest.

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Recent Comments


I do believe the environment does change the mentality of the person growing up. Most impacted at a younger. I would think a chronic disease would be number one with armed conflict the second. The poverty some people live in is a sad situation especially in third world countries and countries with corrupt governments.

Best wishes,


You are correct Lesabre. It's only when you visit or live in most of these third-world countries and countries with corrupt governments such as Nigeria where I was born, that is the only time one can have a clear definition of poverty. Then you will agree with me that people need fixing in one way or the other. Thanks so much for your comment, sir.

It is a sad situation that can be seen in most third countries. The divide between the rich and poor is way too big to be accepted. Yes, people do need fixing including myself in one way or another.
You are very welcome Sir.

It all starts with a family. Most problems in this world are created by a broken family.

Then the child internalised the problems and there starts a cycle

Exactly. So the saying " charity begins at home ". When we get it at the family level, we are sure of a peaceful world.


Great post, Godstrong; thanks for sharing.
The change begins with all of us
And yes, we can if we really want to.

Yes, I completely agree with you, knowing we are the world, so If the world needs fixing, it then means we are as the players need fixing. Thanks for being there.

A Great message, Godstrong!


Thanks for the time to view through. We need to fix the world.

We can do our best, Godstrong!

Godstrong excellent post , I read through it and one thing missing RACISM
It's killing the world , it's one of the worst thing going on in the world today
But I am not going to used that to discredit your wonderful post
It's a well put together post , and you are right the children are the future and adults need to teach them the correct stuff
Excellent post Godstrong
Keep it up

Yes, I think I agree with you. You are so correct Shine. Racism is an evil disease and becoming so common in our modern-day society which needed to be dealt with.. Thanks for the post..

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