Fireyourdayjob (FYDJ) Give without Expectation #5
Audio, Video, and Your Site
The next key factor in building a successful site is to realize that while text is great and fantastic copy and personal photos can do a lot, they’re no substitute for genuine human contact.
On the internet, and on your website, that means audio and video.
Much as we would sometimes deny it, humans are social animals, and we NEED contact with other people. In fact, if your goal is to build trust, your prospects NEED to see and hear you.
Here’s why:
- As a marketer, you want to share information with your prospects. It’s the difference between hard selling, and encouraging your prospects to WANT to buy from you.
- In order to trust and believe you enough to want to buy from you, you need to build a relationship with them, and inspire confidence.
- There’s no better way to do that than in person, or in this case, by speaking directly to your prospect, via a camera or a microphone.
Not only does the sound of your voice, and the image of you in a video help to reinforce the connection you have made with your prospect, but it also allows you to share your personality with them. Since it’s personality, above everything else, that sets us apart from other people, that’s a valuable tool. - Aside from sharing your story with your visitors in a tangible, real format, video can help you to connect with prospects in other ways. You can use video training material, for instance, or testimonials from happy clients. You can offer clients special offers or publicize discounts. Video and audio even make it possible to connect with visitors who may have reading disabilities, so they’re certainly valuable tools!
When it comes to audio, your options are almost as broad. You could opt for a live pod cast, or a prerecorded message. There are also plenty of products out there that you can use to record your own audio, as well as simple plugins for most types of website that allow you to host audio.
You’ll probably need a short script in order to record the message you want, but it really is quick, easy, and can really improve your sales exponentially!
Your To Do List ✓
- Decide that you are going to use audio and video for. It could be a personal message, or
an introduction to your site. - Write a short script, or decide what you are going to say.
- Get your hands on audio or video software (BYOAudio and YouTube are good choices, but there are others.)
- Record your audio and video, making sure that you keep trying until you get it just the way you want it.
- Upload it to your site.
Word of Mouth – the Power of Testimonials
You’ve probably heard, over and over again, that word of mouth is the best form of advertising there is. While that’s not entirely true, it certainly is a powerful motivator to your prospects.
When it comes to your website, testimonials are your version of word of mouth advertising. They’re your prospects’ best assurance that your company, product, or service is a good deal, and worth spending their hard-earned money on.
Testimonials can be in the form of text, audio, or video, but generally speaking, live videos are the best choice, again, because they introduce your prospects ‘face to face’ to real people.
When it comes to testimonials, you have a few options:
- If you work for a network company, you can use the testimonials that they provide about their company, product, or service.
- If you have your own company, or even if you’d just prefer a more powerful, unique message, then you could ask your most successful or happy clients, or up or down line to record a message for you.
The advantage of the second option is that the people who give you their testimonials can mention you BY NAME, which again helps establish your credibility and trustworthiness.
Even more important, if the people who give you their videos allow you to, is to include their full names, and the area or city that they live in.
When your prospects watch your testimonials, and listen to what the people in them are saying, they automatically trust you and your products more, because a real person, just like them, has got the result that they want from your company, product, or service. That’s why word of mouth is so powerful – it helps people to believe that if someone else can do it, they can to.
Your To Do List ✓
- Ask your clients and colleagues to write text based testimonials.
- If they are willing to, ask some of your best customers, or most successful colleagues, to create audio and video testimonials for your site.
- Make sure that you have their permission to use their names and the city that they live in.
- Add the audio files, with a picture, or the video files, to your website.
Recent Comments
Glen,Amazing post Congratulation to you for sharing such positive thoughts with us. Fitzgerald
Excellent Glen you really have your grip on the pulse of sales, a good honest smile and the proper body language shows honesty and a true concern for both your customer and product. Of course your tone of voice comes into play as well, be sure to practice your sales pitch, show it to friend the WA community, learn the foremost successful ability of taking constructive criticism.
Hey Joe!
Thanks for stopping by and taking the time to leave a message, much appreciated👍
Thanks for the comment Jeff👌 Going too spend some time reading a few of your posts, thanks for the continued support!
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Wonderful message, thank you
Thank for the message!
Such a privilege to have so many super people drop a comment, its awesome.
Thank you, Glen. Happy weekend.