Choosing a Domain Name
My Process Used to Choose a Website Name
Purposes of this post is for all you newbies out there.....I've been with WA nearly 4 months so I hope some of my experiences I share with you may help you on your journey!
I already have one website under my belt and once I finished my Certification Course a couple of weeks ago I decided to move right along to the Affiliate Bootcamp. This time I actually followed the process of using keywords (I used Jaaxy as I have a subscription) to choose my niche to promote the WA site.
Some people may take less than half an hour to choose their niche and decide on their domain name, but I tell you folks, between working full time on my day job and dealing with my 'home duties' it would have taken me approximately 3 hours. But so what right? It's not procrastination but rather a thought process that should make sense to me and my niche don't rush take your time to decide because this is YOUR business.
Process I Used Following Kyle's and Other WA Members' Instructions
1. What niche will I target - An Advisor in Affiliate Marketing...see screen shot below:
I put into Google search 'affiliate marketing mentor' and 20.5 million results came up. This is clearly too much competition so I then tried to narrow it down by searching for a title called 'affiliate money makers'...this narrowed the competition down to 14.6 million.
OK we are on the right track...heading towards lower competition, but not low enough. So again I searched by expanding that is, being a little more specific to my niche and searched for 'affiliate and trader money makers' the result came in at 765,000, brilliant!
But I kept searching to see if I could get that competition even lower. Mind you in all these cases my Jaaxy search results had QSR at 0....hence always prudent to do your keyword search together with your Google search to see if they align.
As you see below my last keyword search to create my domain name came up with competition at only 390,000 QSR at zero and addresses my niche market..
Good luck finding your niche domain name!
Cheers Gina..

Recent Comments
A measured approach Gina, I like how you have said take your time. Time spent building the foundations can really pay dividends down the road.
Thank you Alex....I just wish I had a more measured approach for my first site.....but just goes to show you learn from your experiences and does pay off going forward.
Cheers Gina
I have to agree with you Gina, everything we do here is just another building block, so nothing is wasted, it certainly does pay off as we continue to grow and develop.
Nicely done, Gina! This is proof that the lessons in both the Certification course and Bootcamp course truly work to help you succeed.
All the best,
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A beautiful approach of measuring competition over opportunity Gina! You're well on the right track going .com also. Your site is going to rock!
Thanks heaps Mike, that is my intention to rock!
Cheers Gina
I look forward to this time when down under turns tops up Gina! :)