Time to Relax

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"Stress is nothing more than a socially acceptable form of mental illness" - Richard Carlson

Let's face it, we are probably one of the leaders in multitasking. We have lessons to learn, posts to write, social media promotion, an occasional visit to WA and of course, the technical issues of running a web site. That's a lot of stress!

That's a lot of stress even when things are going well. Throw in a glitch (which seems to be at least weekly) and off the rocker we go! Extreme Stress.

We need to remind ourselves to take a daily timeout and relax. We'll return to our desks somewhat refreshed and with a clear head.

"Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax." - Mark Black

This is especially true when a problem arises. How many of you have completely freaked out because something on your website's backend went wonky? You struggle to fix it to no avail. Your frustration starts to build and worry sets in. That's when the stress gremlins come calling. All of this begins to befuddle your mind to a point where you're going backwards. It's time to take a break and just relax.

"Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." - William S. Burroughs

I hope I've convinced you to take a daily relaxation break, or walk away from a problem and just relax for a moment. If not, I've got more for you if you're a hard-sell.

The Mayo Clinic recently reported that research clearly proves relaxation must be on the top of everyone’s priority list. According to the report, relaxation reduces wear and tear on the mind and the body. For example, they state that relaxation reduces blood pressure and heart rate while increasing blood flow to the major muscle. It also reduces back pain, headache and muscle tension while improving concentration.

The report continues, by recommending that activities such as walking, or using relaxation techniques like deep breathing and muscle tension reduction and meditation or visualization, reading, writing a journal and other such activities extremely helpful in bringing about a state of true inner calmness.

In other words...just relax!

I truly wish you all great success, but I don't want you to kill yourselves doing it.


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Recent Comments


Makes total sense. There must be some balance. Thanks for the reminder.

Oh, how true! You've hit the nail on the head with this blog. You describe me and my experience to a "T". And I usually leave the computer in total frustration, only to return after relaxing a while and often finding the answer. Thanks for sharing.


I meditate every morning, and I find it helpful for relaxation. By making it a part of my daily routine, I have relaxation automatically built into my day. It really seems to help, along with exercise. Thanks for the post, Gary.


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