Because I'm Happy! Clap Alone If You Feel Like Canadians
Hi everyone,
Yesterday was published a very serious report about World Happiness. WA Community reflects on those values and I'm proud to be part of it.
The third World Happiness Report, published by the UN's Sustainable Development Solutions Network, rated Canada as the fifth happiest nation — up one spot from the previous report in 2013.
The measure is apparently an important one to government planning.
"Increasingly happiness is considered a proper measure of social progress and goal of public policy," the report says. "A rapidly increasing number of national and local governments are using happiness data and research in their search for policies that could enable people to live better lives."
Giving of themselves is one of the reasons Canadians are a happy lot, according to the report: Canada tops the ranking for volunteerism, with the "highest shares of population volunteering in registered organizations" at 38.1%.
The four countries happier than Canada are Switzerland, Iceland, Denmark and Norway.
The U.S. is 15th, and the U.K. 22nd, while the least happy country is once again Togo, at 158.
Data was collected between 2012 and 2014 to compare six factors: GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption.»
To all WA members all around the world, you can now be reassured that you are not only part of a great community but a HAPPY one.
Because I'm happy...Clap along if you know what happiness is to you...
Recent Comments
Haha, UK #22.. sounds about right!
I always wanted to live in Switzerland though.. :)
P.S. Happy clapping over here!
Thank you LittleClaire,
LOL We all know that we are talking about countries and statistics.
Collective happiness is based on 6 factors but personal happiness is way easier to reach.
Have a nice day.
Indeed. 95% of all statistics are BS ;)
But life always looks so much better when you're surrounded by mountains!
You have a great day too!
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Great post!
Thank you sir.